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Corpus are Evil?

(XBOX)Avant Solace

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Don't get me wrong, a greed-driven cult is by no means good. Its just that compared to a xenophobic genocidal war-machine, an all-consuming blight, and ultra-adaptive intelligent alien machines, the Corpus seem like such a low priority for the Tenno. I mean when we first even meet the Corpus WE are the ones stealing their stuff and liberating their political prisoner. Tenno kinda just picked a fight with them and never really stopped. Heck, half their assassination targets are just robots the Lotus does not want to become mass produced. For the sake of fairness though, lets highlight what the Corpus leaders have done so far:

  • Frohd Bek: Cheated his colleagues by stealing designs to gain profit. Locked up our buddy (his son) Darvo.
  • Nef Anyo: Started a false patron religion. Occasionally attacks Tenno Relays (more of a publicity stunt than actual animosity). Kidnapped some kids to hold for ransom. Runs a shady debt-slave network.
  • Alad V: Used Warframes to make new machines. Experimented on the Infested.
  • All: Stole and experimented with Orokin Tech. Seek to monopolize the tech and weapon markets.

Now compare this to the Grineer:

  • Vor: Stole Orokin Tech. Hunted Tenno. Never shut up.
  • Vay Hek: Founded the Gustrag Three. Created the horrid Grineer Ghouls. Attempted to obliterate Earth's forests. Mass produced Fomorians to assault human colonies, managing to destroy a few. Tried to harness the Infested to destroy Cetus.
  • Lech Krill: Harassed human colonies near Mars. Possibly aided in the eradication of local Mars inhabitants.
  • Sargas Ruk: Raided and annexed multiple Tenno-controlled Orokin excavations. Actively tries to hunt and kill any pacifist defectors. Makes numerous efforts to halt the construction of Strata Relay.
  • All: Seek to destroy anything non-Grineer.

Its clear that the Corpus are not good, but not really evil enough to warrant the constant homicidal raids Tenno perform on them. Heck, the "worst" personal offender of them, Alad V, was kicked out of the Corpus for being too ambitious. Ironically Tenno ended up working with him despite his personal atrocities against them.

Hopefully Fortuna will shed some light on them and make them more worthwhile villains.

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Corpus also use indoctrination, but I think you're right they are more opportunists than anything else.

here's my idea why they are "evil": Tenno are high tech and can make/hoard shiny goodies. Corpus like tech and shiny goodies. hence corpus attacking and harassing us (and we do the same right back 😛)

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