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More NPCs anyone? Better NPCs maybe?


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I just wanted to see if more Tenno out there felt the need for more & better NPCs. I sure hate waking up to Darvo every morning.

When i wrote this i must admit i went rather overboard. All i ask is it be read with patience & kindness with an open heart & mind without judgement. Read(red) to the end and the best parts picked out and implemented as per developmental ability capability and above all convenience


  1.   Maybe a larger bazaar sure hate seeing Maroo alone, how about some of her sisters and some spy missions for them to give.

    The bazaar is in no way as grand as a real bazaar should be. Its small for one, its too crowded and we have to wait hours to get a deal or a good spot. Imagine a central trading hub, a free trade city as it were, where we could trade freely and with other factions as well. We could trade other resources there for which we would have to otherwise farm for. (I have a huge credit pile but severely lack certain resources as i prefer certain mission types). This could further act as a platform to put out more quests & add in more missions


    I would further like to mention that we can add in brokers into the bazaar. These NPCs could register trade items and conduct trade in our name so we do not have to stand on forever. Of course you can add in a small fee into it too. The brokers fee / cut. Also check out this post..



    A thieves guild like thing under Maroo sounds nice too. " I got my eyes on a large corpus shipment of rubedo, go get em for me tiger ". Something like that i guess. I believe later on that could be expanded on by bringing in a representative of the guild into the dojo itself.
  2. And speaking of representatives how about the idea of acting like Ronin? Defect from the side and ways of the tenno. Side with the grineer or corpus or the infested? I know people dig syndicates but they are all tenno agents in a way. Also we could bring in their representatives into the dojo like in the relays. 

    How about some new relays owned by Corpus, Grineer and Infested where tenno are welcome. I would like to see how the corpus and grineer live and socialize without me having to steal something form them or us trying to kill each other. We can further expand on that based on the Femorian and Razorback fleets. "Tenno a femorian fleet is attacking a friendly corpus relay." Sounds nice doesnt it?


    Talking of ronin how about some pvp missions for the same?  Imagine going in to sabotage a Grineer ship and there are Grineers and a tenno commander with them!


    You can further add in defense planning mechanisms where you have to stop the tenno from coming in. Place traps and troops and a place for you to jump into in case the tenno manage to reach the objective



  3. Bring NPCs into Dojos.

    NPCs in dojos is a large topic in itself.

    Some want to design their own NPCs and cephalons. I do not know if that is a good idea speaking from a development view point. It would be time consuming with lots of bugs and it will cause easy disappointment. But i thought it deserved mention here. By the way the last Dojo update Fantastic, great job.

    When it comes to your own NPCs i d personally like that myself. How about talking to the corpus to give us some of their clone workers and let us design some for ourselves.


    Bringing in NPCs into dojos. So we can trade resources with NPCs (i am sure the Corpus would love that) you know not prime parts the other stuff for credits. Add a docking bay to the dojo. Where they can arrive. The docking area would be outside the void so yeah that flows with the story.

        I d also like to expand on that. I feel that the shadow clans and ghost clans who have huge dojos feel rather empty. Maybe we could get some grineer, corpus and infested workers?

        The idea of a gladiator pit was given to me by my friend but i think it would be too violent, still think about it.

        How does an ancient healer butler sound?

        A friend of mine wanted some belly dancers, another wanted a bar with a bartender.

    Let me check the list for a sec

    • Maids and butlers
    • Belly dancers
    • Bards
    • Bartender
    • A cook
    • An engineer to tune up the place and the warframes n the reactors
    • Someone to say welocome back (dialogue customisable of course)
    • Fellow people you have saved (seriously what happens to all those we free and why do they all look the same?)
    • Oh and how about some one who actually takes us on an exploratory mission into uncharted regions, like the void and fancy bumping into Baro there 😆
    • More pets, rare animals. (some one even mentioned spiders apparently that's from the Fortuna update to come) (I think that is a good idea making some of the wildlife you conserve into pets to run around in the dojo. Bring pets into the dojo. Add a kennel to the dojo.)



    Some friends of mine would like to hold tea parties with NPCs both as servants and guests, same with the bar.

    May i mention  lord over here and mention how his servants act both as maids and body guards. Sounds better than scepters.

    Also how about a dojo post board and dojo alerts and an NPC to handle those?



  4. More NPCs , better more meaningful and hopefully more humorous interactions

    May i say that i am tired of Alad V and his boring robot henchmen as well as with the queens and the hek and other commanders whom we just kill.

    I like to harbor idea of girlfriend NPC in the coprus board of directors. Imagine me going in to bust vaults of the corpus and i end up seeing her there.


    "Hey sun fancy meeting you here, what ya up to?

    Oh hi sweety, nothing just busting up your vaults.

    I see, i cant have you do that. How about a deal. I let you go and you do something for me or my elite guards kill you.

    Typical corpus ideology, fine ill cut a deal with you. By the way you do realize you just made me late for dinner right?

    I ll wait up"


    So we end up with some humor, another mission and if you chose not do it an added challenge to the current mission.

    It adds depth and dynamic i think. (disclaimer everyone has their own humor from macabre to ponies & butterflies)


    I would like to see some humor and some better interactions.

    I know, I know. I said we want more NPCs but why is that in the first place?

    It is/Is it because there are

    1. Too few NPCs and i mean actual NPCs we can interact with. The Gineer retinue does not count as NPCs we can interact with. Killing is not an interaction, just killing even more so.
    2. There are too few interactions with the NPCs and they are not at all meaningful. They are also shallow and most importantly lack depth.
    3. We find the game repetitive.
      • I mean onko come on invite me into your house some time, show me some hospitality man, offer me some food.
      • Invite me to some great village feast or something and have me go out and fish n bring stuff for it.
      • How about graduation of the young ones and me having to help harvest some gems to make commemorative necklaces.
      • Wheres the hospital? ya got some sick? want me to fetch some herbs?
      • How about teaching young ones of ceatus how to fish. Or even better add in fishing lessons and the like.
      • As for the grineer how about Kril saying "I do not feel like fighting you today go and bother some one else." or how about "I am still filling in the coolant, want a cup of coffee till then?"
      • PS i know there is tonne worth of good lore but in how much of it are we the player involved in? Still i like the back stories
    4. I like the hunting and conservation idea hopefully it will make the interactions more rich.
    5. I wanted to say add more factions but fortuna is adding in one so strike 1


    Talking about depth n culture this is great idea too but i feel it will be bringing in rim Sky into warframe, for better or for worse no idea.



  5. What about the sentient? I see no interactions with them. No idea of their culture and the like. Its a gold mine waiting to be dug into.
  6. Last but not the least bigger limitless dojos 

    Mark the word limitless please. I like infinite. If you think i will become resource heavy then why not scale up the resources needed to build rooms say after 500 rooms have been built?

    Now i know what you are thinking what does a big dojo have to do with NPCs?🤔

    Well, if the NPCs in dojos is approved we will need even bigger dojos to house them in. 😊

    Also how about your own planet in the void and your dojo revolving around it. Go down to your planet hunt, cultivate, fish and build your own little cetus like settlement. But before all that. Terra-form it and seed it with life & well invite other faction member to come under your rule and seeding the area with your samples of fish and trapped animals and there will be local quests.

    Now remember this will add a city building like ring to it. I do not know if it will be a field to invest in, financially speaking, so i guess it comes down to the customer base then.


  7. Also check out these related posts





And i will be adding in more points later on.

Feel free to mention what more can be done to enrich the experience and more NPC related stuff. How to add more NPCs in a meaningful way, improve NPC interactions et cetera et cetera.

Also can we please customize who gets to greet us in the daily tribute or as we login 😭

Seriously. Hate waking up to Darvo.😱

Would love to wake up to that waifu i mentioned 😋

Edited by ImperialSun
found more stuff updating
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I think we need more npcs, more bosses and npcs to the dojos aswell to fill the dojos with life. They mentionned they are will check the possibilities to add in the future but that  is not their priority right now. They are always working on newish contents and they have a habit not to finish it and release it half baked. Adding npcs would be nice and I think they could add npcs which gives you quests and minor tasks which rewarded also with some kind of things.

Also they could just learn how to make faces because the Cetus peoples are ugly as hell and it needs some variation for those npcs there. All looks the same. This is also true to the relay npcs but at least have 6 faction npcs with 2-3 variations so it is looks less annoying.

Edited by Sziklamester
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