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Time For More Powers For Frames?


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theres been a buncha changes to frames and alot of new mods, but i remember hearing from a livestream a while ago that the DE was playing around with the idea of more than 4 different power mods for frames, and some inter-changable. it would be good if DE would address this soon. individual frames and their 4 powers are getting a little duil after a few hundred hours of gameplay. 

e.x: Vauban - Radar Pulsar : throws out a radar orb that pulses a radar every 5 seconds  highliting a few enemies weakspots changing with every pulse.

New powers would deffintely re-invegorate some older frames, or make frames that i dont enjoy maybe a little bit more enjoyable.

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Giving new abilities to the older frames could be interesting, however by doing that you would also potentially take away from powers that could be given to new frames.  Also they are still fixing the existing abilities and trying to balance out frame powers adding more could just make it worse.

Edited by RYN0C
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 Banshee's Sonar.


EDIT: Yeah, I know it's just an example. Just another of my OCDs kicking in.

thats where i got the idea from =] vauban is jsut an easy one to think of powers for.


Giving new abilities to the older frames could be interesting, however by doing that you would also potentially take away from powers that could be given to new frames.

the idea would be to give old frames that would compliment that frame, not powers that would affect future different power typed frames. also, interchangable powers that could be moved between all frames, which is what DE mentioned.



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Some new powers would be great.


They can't run out of pwoers or add pwoers to old frames and not have any new ideas for new frames. Just a few basic things to the older frames. Give Frost a Icy claw that swipes/freezes enemies in front of him, or something similar to Rhino where he grabs the closest enemy and facesmashes it into the ground for a small aoe damage. Mag could uhh, magnetically control enemy weapons by having them float around shooting things for a bit? Kinda like radial disarm, but cooler, or uhh, Saryn could....pison something in a more spectacular way? I'm...I'm not sure what else you could do with poison really. Ember could implode an enemy? Volt that channels a lightning lazorz fora few seconds? Wait no S#&$ back up, let Mag pick up enemies and ragdoll them into others for damage or toss them into oblivion(Excluding bosses). Trinity that drains enemy movement and boosts allies?


Hrmm, nevermind. So many abilities do overlap some way or another. Interchangeable powers would be useful, but they'll be all purpose things probably. Something that regens stamina or whatnot.


Then again, if they end up letting you mod your mod powers, ie +Freeze damage OR +Power Width/range OR Splits the power so it forks in front of you for example Frosts Ice Wave power. Or lets you change Vaubans Tesla into a small aoe incendiary grenade or cluster grenade or anti matter grenade whatever. Yes there might be complaints about all of this, only Ember may do fire damage or only Saryn may do poison etc. even though you can mod your weapons with the different elements.


But I digress, just spewing random ideas, some more powers would be nice eventually, the amount of content already added since it came out is amazing as is, so due time hopefully.

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I do hope these are coming in the future, but they probably want to figure out the current batch first.



Balance current systems before adding new variables.

That's just basic logic.

yes, im not saying they shouldnt smooth out the current powers first, just that after alot of gameplay, those same 4 powers get a bit stale and it would be good for them to include more powers for diveristy.

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Gravity Wedge for Mag: It would fire outward like a weapon only it would knock aside anything in its way. Essentially clearning a path.


EMP Grenade for Volt: It would work against Corpus to scramble their radar and leave them momentarily blinded or stunned.


Crop Dust for Saryn: Pretty self explanatory. Leaves a cloud of toxic gas behind you.


Event Horizon for Vauban: It would drastically slow anything that enters or gets close. The closer the enemy is the slower they would move.


Ice Storm for Frost: Covers the walls, ceiling and floors with a coating of ice which stuns and knocks down enemies



Essentially DE could make a new set of mods that are designed for defensive use or escaping enemies. When trying to reach extraction, when near death or other situations they could become useful.


They also might limit the need for nerfing later on.

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Been waiting for this since Livestream 4 or something. Always loved the idea of having interchangeable powers.

Could be as simple as having all frames with 4 offensive, defensive, and utility powers. This would allow them to fulfill at least three different roles each. Granted, if there is the potential for more than 12 powers per frame, then they should go for it.

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I've suggested this a few times, and even asked DE to address it on a live stream. I've watched every live stream, but never saw them talk about more than 4 abilities. Could someone tell me which stream that was?


I think offering more than 4 abilities would allow for more customized game play of your favorite frames. Granted, I get that there are a lot of frames, so they are supposed to cover the gamut in terms of different  play styles, but e.g. I love Frost because I tend to like ice abilities. I like freezing and slowing enemies. Other frames might be able to do something similar, but they aren't ice. If Frost had a 5th ability that was different, maybe a wall of slowing, or an ice slick of mobility, I think that would allow for custom styles within one frame's theme.


It's not something I need now, as people are right to point out potential issues with balance, or taking away from other frames, but I feel the reasoning I've provided justifies it somewhere down the road (after launch). It's like TF2 adding a new weapon to a class eventually. A pyro is still a pyro with a flare gun, in fact maybe more so than with a shotgun. A medic who wants to be more offensive can change to the kritzkrieg instead of the standard medigun. It's stuff you can really only do within the class/frame, not giving to another frame. I'm glad TF2 didn't create a 10th class just to give him a kritzkrieg medigun.

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I feel this is ends up being the problem with games that are closed beta then open beta for this long. Current stuff isn't balanced but they have to keep adding more new stuff to keep people interested. I don't think they should add more abilities yet.My opinion which I partially just came up with and may sound extreme but  is to stop coming up and out with new stuff and fix everything that is already in game make it balanced and add a few needed new things. Do all of this by end of November or December so they can come out of beta around the time they add the game to the PS4.(I bring the PS4 up just as a time possible time period) This way the game will be balanced/complete and then they can address the issues people want add like this because they can focus way more attention on it and just a little with fixing minor balancing issues and bugs. And then after the beta is over a month or so later the next new big update is two additional abilities for each frame. They could keep the set up how it is now and so you can only have four equipped at a time or just bump it to 6 equipped at a time.


When I read this in the morning I will probably edit and take some things out.

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They could keep the set up how it is now and so you can only have four equipped at a time or just bump it to 6 equipped at a time.


When I read this in the morning I will probably edit and take some things out.

i think it would be best to keep the 4 power slots per frame, it keeps it better balanced 6 is just too much.

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Balance current systems before adding new variables.

That's just basic logic.

How about no, because the skills are ups and down. If everything was perfectly balanced there wouldn't be much difference between skills.


Adding more skills will make it more fun because right now I only use two skills and never look back on the two others. If you have more, it could lead to a lot of variation and even some more fun builds. Sure some might get a bit too powerful but we already had Bastille on Vauban nerfed. Still a triple formad weapon will outclass most skills in the game.

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