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Seasonal Exclusives


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I don't have Lato Vandal, I don't have Braton Vandal, I don't have Prime Chamber. And you know what? Screw returns. Exclusives should be real, when I hunting for limited 666 edition I'm doing it not only because i need product itself (simple edition will give you the same except for form and some souvenirs), but for exclusivity, too.

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I didn't work hard for either of my exclusive weapons. I shot 20 easily killed enemies to get my Snipetron Vandal, and I ran around in circles for 20 minutes to get my Strun Wraith. Even if I put in 20 hours to get both, I would still like them to be available again in a future event for players who join after the game launches.


They wouldn't be obtainable whenever, they would only be obtainable by yearly events that happen during a small time frame.

I should probably point out that I have almost every exclusive myself. I'm more miffed about the fact that my friends can't get them.


Except... that you chose to play Warframe when they didn't, and that in an of it self is opportunity cost in action. You Chose to play Warframe, thus you got some nice gear. They chose not too, thus they didn't get it.


It would be like... wanting the same pay raise that your Co-worker got from a promotion because he chose to work weekends for half a year and you chose not too, but you work there too and thus, should get the same things.


Your friends should have started playing sooner.

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Except... that you chose to play Warframe when they didn't, and that in an of it self is opportunity cost in action. You Chose to play Warframe, thus you got some nice gear. They chose not too, thus they didn't get it.


It would be like... wanting the same pay raise that your Co-worker got from a promotion because he chose to work weekends for half a year and you chose not too, but you work there too and thus, should get the same things.


Your friends should have started playing sooner.

Exactly! Give this man a cookie!

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I don't have Lato Vandal, I don't have Braton Vandal, I don't have Prime Chamber. And you know what? Screw returns. Exclusives should be real, when I hunting for limited 666 edition I'm doing it not only because i need product itself (simple edition will give you the same except for form and some souvenirs), but for exclusivity, too.

Exactly. Except that i dont like Exclusives that are Pay Only, like Excal Prime, Skana Prime, etc.

I like Cookies!




... Just not Girl Scout ones....



I ate a brownie once.

(Sorry, I had to go there, This was getting WAY too serious)

Edited by Aigloblam
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I ate a brownie once.

(Sorry, I had to go there, This was getting WAY too serious)


.... like... the small cake-like snack food that may or may not have been laced with... questionable things...


or like... the Girl Scout herself? (They are called Brownies for those that don't know.)

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Imagine if DE implements "endgame" and many seasoned players can't participate at all because they weren't there to get the dual acrids wraith vandal prime event? I mean why is it the best gear is earned from logging 20 minutes during a random weekend vs completing a difficult chain of quests (not that Warframe has support for this type of thing, but use your imagination) or playing for months or something actually difficult or that required dedication? Why should being out of town for 3 days bar you from ever getting the most powerful sniper or shotgun? If they want to give out exclusive items, give out skins, color packs, badges, etc, not the most deadly weapons possible to acquire.

Edited by VegetableBasket
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Imagine if DE implements "endgame" and many seasoned players can't participate at all because they weren't there to get the dual acrids wraith vandal prime event? I mean why is it the best gear is earned from logging 20 minutes during a random weekend vs completing a difficult chain of quests (not that Warframe has support for this type of thing, but use your imagination) or playing for months or something actually difficult or that required dedication? Why should being out of town for 3 days bar you from ever getting the most powerful sniper or shotgun?

Take your imagination back. When there will be such situation, I will object. But there wouldn't be such situation since:

1)DE are not fools.

2)DE trying to play "A good developer".

3)I saw enough lvl 70 defenses to have doubts about "impossible without exclusive" missions.

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People LIKE exclusive weapons. Thats an absolute fact. They are like Badges on your uniform saying "I was here for this" or "I bagged 794 Fusion Moas to get this". It makes a person feel like they earned it, whether or not it was just being there, or having to fight hard for it. Would you rather them get exclusive items from a mission that they have to beat, Or would you rather them be Pay items only?  If they were Pay only, I can tell you right now that i wouldn't have any of them, not a single one.

People like exclusive items when they have them. They don't like it when they don't. Exclusive cosmetics are fine, but exclusive weapons pretty much means that certain players are always going to have a huge advantage over newbies, which just turns them off of the game. Besides, the exclusive weapons aren't really earned through hard work, they are earned by just being there which doesn't feel like an accomplishment anyway.

"Or would you rather them be Pay items only?  If they were Pay only, I can tell you right now that i wouldn't have any of them, not a single one."

I would rather they be like what I said in the opening post. Why the heck are you asking me if I would rather they be paid for items?

I don't have Lato Vandal, I don't have Braton Vandal, I don't have Prime Chamber. And you know what? Screw returns. Exclusives should be real, when I hunting for limited 666 edition I'm doing it not only because i need product itself (simple edition will give you the same except for form and some souvenirs), but for exclusivity, too.

Why does exclusivity make you feel better? Why does having something that newer players can never get make you feel good? I'm starting to feel like I'm the only one here who actually wishes his friends could eventually have a shot at getting some of the stuff they missed out on.

Besides, if this model is working for Airmech, then why can't it work for Warframe? They would still be event items, and for the vast majority of the year they would be unavailable. But if they make seasonal returns, then someone new could still have a chance at getting it if they stick around until it is available again, and they would finally be able to have gear as good as say, the beta player who recommended the game to them in the first place.

Except... that you chose to play Warframe when they didn't, and that in an of it self is opportunity cost in action. You Chose to play Warframe, thus you got some nice gear. They chose not too, thus they didn't get it.


It would be like... wanting the same pay raise that your Co-worker got from a promotion because he chose to work weekends for half a year and you chose not too, but you work there too and thus, should get the same things.


Your friends should have started playing sooner.

If you work for 4 years without taking a single day off, and then the single day you do take off, your boss decides to give everyone who showed up a huge pay raise but not you, wouldn't you be a little miffed?

Just being around for something isn't an accomplishment. Even if it was, the point I am making here is that anyone who joins this game after it has been released, is missing out on a lot of weapons that they have no ability to obtain, and from the looks of it, all of those exclusive weapons (except Braton Vandal and arguably Lato Vandal), are a LOT better than their alternatives. This wouldn't be a problem if the rewards would return at a later date, but if they continue to remain exclusive, then all it leads to is new players being turned away from the game because a large portion of the better weapons are permanently out of their reach.

I'm not asking that we give everyone a Vandal. I'm just asking that in the very distance future, these items could return in an event, so players who have been annoyed by, say, missing out on the game's best shotgun, could EVENTUALLY have another small window of opportunity if they stick around.

Like I said, this works for Airmech, so why can't it work here?

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Imagine if DE implements "endgame" and many seasoned players can't participate at all because they weren't there to get the dual acrids wraith vandal prime event? I mean why is it the best gear is earned from logging 20 minutes during a random weekend vs completing a difficult chain of quests (not that Warframe has support for this type of thing, but use your imagination) or playing for months or something actually difficult or that required dedication? Why should being out of town for 3 days bar you from ever getting the most powerful sniper or shotgun? If they want to give out exclusive items, give out skins, color packs, badges, etc, not the most deadly weapons possible to acquire.

Because its not always about whats most powerful. Im fully aware that my Zorens are some of the weakest weapons in the game, but i absolutely love them, and have since i got them a week after open beta. My zorens have more kills than 90% of the members in my clan (56k or so). I only say that because im trying to illustrate the love that some people get for these weapons. Power Creep gets every game eventually, So the Swraith wont be the most powerful shotgun forever, and ill bet you money that when a more powerful one comes out, there will be a LOT of people that still use the Swraith, just because they love how it plays.

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Like I said, this works for Airmech, so why can't it work here?

Because it's not working for Airmech — these items only called exclusives.

You know, we should probably force you to work 12/7/365, then show you a man with 0/0/0 and pay both of you the same salary. Then throw the knife on the floor and get out of the scene.

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Imagine if DE implements "endgame" and many seasoned players can't participate at all because they weren't there to get the dual acrids wraith vandal prime event? I mean why is it the best gear is earned from logging 20 minutes during a random weekend vs completing a difficult chain of quests (not that Warframe has support for this type of thing, but use your imagination) or playing for months or something actually difficult or that required dedication? Why should being out of town for 3 days bar you from ever getting the most powerful sniper or shotgun? If they want to give out exclusive items, give out skins, color packs, badges, etc, not the most deadly weapons possible to acquire.


Why does being violently sick on your wedding day stop your wedding?


Why does being sick during a important sales meeting end up losing you important contacts and vital face time with overseas contractors?


Why does being sick end up lowering your pay check (in most jobs)?




Your a Master Founder.... you should have more faith in DE not to make something that damn unbalanced.



If you work for 4 years without taking a single day off, and then the single day you do take off, your boss decides to give everyone who showed up a huge pay raise but not you, wouldn't you be a little miffed?


And if you work for a company where S#&$ like that is happening... you shouldn't be working there anymore.


However you CHOSE to work there... Leading me into my next segment: Opportunity Cost!


the definition of Opportunity Cost is: the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.


If you choose to leave that weekend, why should DE stop everything they are doing to ensure your around?


Why should anyone get another chance at getting anything that those of us that have been supporting the game to even get it this far in the first place have?


That's like... Only choosing to date a Guy or a Girl AFTER they become popular... and then demanding they give you the best relationship in the world because you suddenly showed interest in them.

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Why does being violently sick on your wedding day stop your wedding?


Why does being sick during a important sales meeting end up losing you important contacts and vital face time with overseas contractors?


Why does being sick end up lowering your pay check (in most jobs)?




Your a Master Founder.... you should have more faith in DE not to make something that damn unbalanced.




And if you work for a company where S#&$ like that is happening... you shouldn't be working there anymore.


However you CHOSE to work there... Leading me into my next segment: Opportunity Cost!


the definition of Opportunity Cost is: the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.


If you choose to leave that weekend, why should DE stop everything they are doing to ensure your around?


Why should anyone get another chance at getting anything that those of us that have been supporting the game to even get it this far in the first place have?


That's like... Only choosing to date a Guy or a Girl AFTER they become popular... and then demanding they give you the best relationship in the world because you suddenly showed interest in them.


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I would prefer timed exclusivity coupled with Mastery requirements upon 'release'.

That would work with new weapons and mods, but I can't see that being implemented with anything that has Vandal in the name.

Because it's not working for Airmech — these items only called exclusives. You know, we should probably force you to work 12/7/365, then show you a man with 0/0/0 and pay both of you the same salary. Then throw the knife on the floor and get out of the scene.

We are getting into semantics here. Those items are still unobtainable throughout most of the year (except by trading in the market). Yet it seems to be working. I don't see people demanding that "Jesus not be available next Easter because it cheapens his value for people who already have him" or anything like that, and the players who don't have him, don't care, because they can always just wait for him to be available again.

"You know, we should probably force you to work 12/7/365, then show you a man with 0/0/0 and pay both of you the same salary. Then throw the knife on the floor and get out of the scene."

I fail to see how this is relevant.


And if you work for a company where S#&$ like that is happening... you shouldn't be working there anymore.


However you CHOSE to work there... Leading me into my next segment: Opportunity Cost!


the definition of Opportunity Cost is: the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.


If you choose to leave that weekend, why should DE stop everything they are doing to ensure your around?


Why should anyone get another chance at getting anything that those of us that have been supporting the game to even get it this far in the first place have?


That's like... Only choosing to date a Guy or a Girl AFTER they become popular... and then demanding they give you the best relationship in the world because you suddenly showed interest in them.

"If you choose to leave that weekend, why should DE stop everything they are doing to ensure your around?"

Where did I tell DE to stop what they are doing? Your arguments are getting less and less related to anything in this topic.

"Why should anyone get another chance at getting anything that those of us that have been supporting the game to even get it this far in the first place have?"

Why shouldn't they?

"That's like... Only choosing to date a Guy or a Girl AFTER they become popular... and then demanding they give you the best relationship in the world because you suddenly showed interest in them"

No, it isn't anything like that at all. Stop doing comparisons to real life, because they are getting less and less related to the discussion.

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All these silly analogies.


Just being around for something isn't an accomplishment. Even if it was, the point I am making here is that anyone who joins this game after it has been released, is missing out on a lot of weapons that they have no ability to obtain, and from the looks of it, all of those exclusive weapons (except Braton Vandal and arguably Lato Vandal), are a LOT better than their alternatives. This wouldn't be a problem if the rewards would return at a later date, but if they continue to remain exclusive, then all it leads to is new players being turned away from the game because a large portion of the better weapons are permanently out of their reach.

I'm not asking that we give everyone a Vandal. I'm just asking that in the very distance future, these items could return in an event, so players who have been annoyed by, say, missing out on the game's best shotgun, could EVENTUALLY have another small window of opportunity if they stick around.


This point here. What is wrong with this point? It makes sense. 

Edited by gallowsCalibrator
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You could choose to play during the event and get something, or not to play and get something else (I don't know, visit in Disneyland, tour to Paris, Hot Wings, anything).


You choose the second option.


What makes you think, that you should also get the reward from choosing the first one?

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All these silly analogies.



Just being around for something isn't an accomplishment. Even if it was, the point I am making here is that anyone who joins this game after it has been released, is missing out on a lot of weapons that they have no ability to obtain, and from the looks of it, all of those exclusive weapons (except Braton Vandal and arguably Lato Vandal), are a LOT better than their alternatives. This wouldn't be a problem if the rewards would return at a later date, but if they continue to remain exclusive, then all it leads to is new players being turned away from the game because a large portion of the better weapons are permanently out of their reach.

I'm not asking that we give everyone a Vandal. I'm just asking that in the very distance future, these items could return in an event, so players who have been annoyed by, say, missing out on the game's best shotgun, could EVENTUALLY have another small window of opportunity if they stick around.


This point here. What is wrong with this point? It makes sense.

But what it doesnt say is that these new people joining will have chances at exclusive things of their own. As i have said before, if all you want is a better and better weapon, you are playing this game for the wrong reasons. The point of a weapon is how much fun it is to use, Not just how much stat bonus it has over another version. I have a Vandaltron...I ranked it and then stopped using it. I just did the same with the Swraith. Now they are nothing but Trophys that i can look at and say "I was there, Awesome". Why would new players want our old trophies, when they can get new ones of their own which, if the trend continues, will be instantly more powerful than the ones we have? In most cases, Its simply jealousy. Yeah, I said it. It wouldnt matter what these weapons did, or looked like. Its the fact that they cant have it that makes them want it so bad. I REALLY(x4) want the Braton Vandal....but i'll never get it. And as much as that sucks, Im ok with it.

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But what it doesnt say is that these new people joining will have chances at exclusive things of their own. As i have said before, if all you want is a better and better weapon, you are playing this game for the wrong reasons. The point of a weapon is how much fun it is to use, Not just how much stat bonus it has over another version. I have a Vandaltron...I ranked it and then stopped using it. I just did the same with the Swraith. Now they are nothing but Trophys that i can look at and say "I was there, Awesome". Why would new players want our old trophies, when they can get new ones of their own which, if the trend continues, will be instantly more powerful than the ones we have? In most cases, Its simply jealousy. Yeah, I said it. It wouldnt matter what these weapons did, or looked like. Its the fact that they cant have it that makes them want it so bad. I REALLY(x4) want the Braton Vandal....but i'll never get it. And as much as that sucks, Im ok with it.

Here's why. The Snipetron Vandal is the best weapon for the playstyle I want to play, and largely the only playstyle I want to play (aside from missile command with the Ogris, but that's a bug that needs to be fixed). I snipe in Warframe as I snipe in other games. The only reason I want the Vandaltron is because looking ahead, there aren't that many opportunities for an equal. There's only one non-exclusive hitscan sniper, and one that's far off, neither of which look like they're getting any special treatment soon.


So, I play with a projectile sniper rifle. Not quite as good, but it's still fun. The reason I want your old trophy is because it's better than anything I've got. Why wouldn't I want it? I don't care about trophies or bragging rights, I just want to have fun doing what I like to do, and your old trophy is the best tool for doing so.

You could choose to play during the event and get something, or not to play and get something else (I don't know, visit in Disneyland, tour to Paris, Hot Wings, anything).


You choose the second option.


What makes you think, that you should also get the reward from choosing the first one?

If you're talking to me, I don't think that I should get the reward. It's not out of a sense of entitlement. I want the reward. There is a difference between thinking I should have it and thinking that I want it. If I want something, I'll ask for it. Simple as that. I'm not going to say it's DE's duty to give me the chance to get a Snipetron Vandal because I'm so important that I must have it, but I'll make it known that I would love the opportunity.


Of course, I know there's probably a snowball's chance in hell, considering it's been discontinued for lore-based reasons, but a man can dream, right?


No. We are getting into meaning here. Particular days repeative restriction != exclusive.

Arguing definitions is pointless.

Edited by gallowsCalibrator
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All these silly analogies.


Just being around for something isn't an accomplishment. Even if it was, the point I am making here is that anyone who joins this game after it has been released, is missing out on a lot of weapons that they have no ability to obtain, and from the looks of it, all of those exclusive weapons (except Braton Vandal and arguably Lato Vandal), are a LOT better than their alternatives. This wouldn't be a problem if the rewards would return at a later date, but if they continue to remain exclusive, then all it leads to is new players being turned away from the game because a large portion of the better weapons are permanently out of their reach.

I'm not asking that we give everyone a Vandal. I'm just asking that in the very distance future, these items could return in an event, so players who have been annoyed by, say, missing out on the game's best shotgun, could EVENTUALLY have another small window of opportunity if they stick around.


This point here. What is wrong with this point? It makes sense.

I don't know. I'm thinking about just giving up on this discussion because its getting flooded with unrelated arguments, roleplaying about girl scout cookies, and posts that are nothing but circle jerking. I've only seen a few posts that are actually addressing what was stated in the OP.

Starting to see that people who have an exclusive, will fight tooth and nail to make sure that nobody else gets it despite the fact that it doesn't actually help the community any. So I'm thinking DE should never have made exclusives in the first place.

You could choose to play during the event and get something, or not to play and get something else (I don't know, visit in Disneyland, tour to Paris, Hot Wings, anything).


You choose the second option.


What makes you think, that you should also get the reward from choosing the first one?

No I didn't. I have almost every exclusive. I'm suggesting an idea to help those who don't. I mentioned earlier that I have both the Strun Wraith and the Snipetron Vandal. Stop acting like this is just a whining topic. I'm seriously suggesting an idea that I think would benefit the game, and its getting derailed into side arguments and silly analogies.


No. We are getting into meaning here. Particular days repeative restriction != exclusive.

So how does that relate to my suggestion? Just because I get one word wrong doesn't mean that my suggestion is a bad one.

But what it doesnt say is that these new people joining will have chances at exclusive things of their own. As i have said before, if all you want is a better and better weapon, you are playing this game for the wrong reasons. The point of a weapon is how much fun it is to use, Not just how much stat bonus it has over another version. I have a Vandaltron...I ranked it and then stopped using it. I just did the same with the Swraith. Now they are nothing but Trophys that i can look at and say "I was there, Awesome". Why would new players want our old trophies, when they can get new ones of their own which, if the trend continues, will be instantly more powerful than the ones we have? In most cases, Its simply jealousy. Yeah, I said it. It wouldnt matter what these weapons did, or looked like. Its the fact that they cant have it that makes them want it so bad. I REALLY(x4) want the Braton Vandal....but i'll never get it. And as much as that sucks, Im ok with it.

But why is it bad for event items to be reused in the future? The badges should remain trophies, but the Strun Wraith and the Snipetron Vandal actually have an impact on game balance, so I think they should be treated differently. I couldn't give a damn about the Braton Vandal and the Lato Vandal, but the Strun Wraith and the Snipetron Vandal both are uniquely powerful weapons that new players can never get. I'll probably forma my Strun Wraith and continue using it because it outclasses all the other shotguns I have. However if I get one of my friends to join this game, they are going to see my Strun Wraith, look at the stats for it, realize it simply outclasses the other shotguns that they actually can get, and see that the Strun Wraith will NEVER be available again and will probably be a bit less likely to continue playing because of it.

Fact is, since I have both the Strun Wraith and the Snipetron Vandal. I'm more powerful than someone who decides to make an account today could ever hope to be. Sure, they could get the new event items, but so could I. However they can NEVER get the Strun Wraith or Snipetron Vandal unless it appears an award for a future event. Which is what I'm suggesting.

Guys, seasonal rewards won't suddenly make your Strun Wraith and Snipetron Vandal disappear. All they would do is allow them to be available again. You still have your event badges if you really want an exclusive trophy. I do believe that cosmetic event rewards should be truly exclusive. But something that affects game balance? That is another story entirely.

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