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The Medical Debt Farm Has Become A Major Problem.


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Since Medical Debt Bonds are almost non-existent, people replay the same bounty over and over just to try to get some. This results in people quitting the moment the bounty is finished if they see they didn't get Medicals. With as bad as the matchmaking is this causes people to get stuck on the loading screen when the match can't migrate properly. Since we can't move the mouse on the loading screen, we can't close the dialog box, and because we can't close the box, we are forced to Alt+F4 out of Warframe.




This happens several times daily for me and I'm getting sick of having to force close the game because of a bad design. I have no idea why the mouse control was removed from loading screens but it is one of the dumbest things they have done with Warframe. I also find the loading screen message quite fitting. 

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I have not seen this myself but have you tried the ENTER or ESC key? My mouse has a special 'back' button that is meant to work on web browsers but apparently works on warframe too, just saying.

But to really solve your problem, them people need to learn the proper etiquette to wait for the whole team on the extraction point.

And why are people farming bounties when they can just farm index and buy debt bonds from ticker? Getting those orb vallis resources are easier than bounties.

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1 minute ago, Crankshaft66 said:

And why are people farming bounties when they can just farm index and buy debt bonds from ticker?


The bond with Medical debt-bonds are (conveniently) very expensive. I have seen some of them at 300k+ credits and it only came with 5-10 Medical debt-bonds. It's DE's way of time-gating content. I noticed on the first 3 days Fortuna was released, Medical debt-bonds didn't drop at all. It's listed as a common yet I spent an entire day farming the same bounty 30+ times and I didn't get a single one. But once the content was ~5 days old and people were at max standing and spent the millions of credits, they now drop like crazy since you don't need them anymore. I can go do a bounty right now and get at least 1 as a reward. It was designed backwards. Instead of making the rare bonds required, DE made the common bond required and extremely rare.

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