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Garuda so far


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Now I have not had Garuda for the full cyst cycle but I have found I really like how she plays. Her 1 has a lot of options and her 4 is far stronger than most people think it is.  There is some room for improvements and some hefty conflicts when it comes to team play. 

For improvements I would like to see her 1s initial damage work like whip claw or shattered lash, pulling from some of the mods on her talons. A fair number of players have told me they want her shield to cover more of her but I just want it to swing a bit faster.

Her main conflict is with almost any source of healing. Now bursts like Blessing and penance can be worked around with bloodletting but renewal and rejuvenation causes the problem. Renewal and Garuda  can work as she will functionally have limitless energy but the Oberon and Garuda players will basically have to fight with each other if either wants to use their full kit. Gruda needs to spam bloodletting to use her passive and in some cases to have good survivability and Oberon will suffer from constant increased energy drain witch for some builds could be fatal to the other 3 members of the squad. Now if there was a way to have bloodletting shed the healing buff when used and some others it might be a way of getting around this. rejuvenation is another issue as it can actually undue all of Garuda's survivability and becomes incredibly counter productive, but I do not see an easy way around that.


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