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Warframe sustainable content idea


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So there have been a lot of voices in coummunity that about warframe endgame. Here is my little idea that poped to my head this morining. Basicaly bullet points, however i might do presentation about it with maybe some concept art and send it to DE if enough people will like the idea. If you have any questions or dont understood fully a concept feel free to shoot a questions 🙂 .


Warframe sustainable content idea 
Customizable prime and sentient weapons
-Each consistant od 3 element 
-1x Main element and 2 side elements
___Main element 
-describes damage and damage types
-has most valuable special effect
-describes fire mechanics
___First side element
-describes critical rate, c.dmg and status effect
-has a little special effect
___Second side element
-describes fire rate, ammo capacity, magazine size 
-has a little special effect
-Each part has effciency stat which is divides weapon statistics randomly. Effciency can be improved but proportion of stat distribution cant be changed. Effciency improving item is extremely hard to aquire.
-Each part recives special effect that are noticable but not game breaking. 
-Each weapon has arcane slot
-Arcanes can change main weapon mechanics for Each main part, there is at least 1 arcane for main part for realese 
-Arcanes can add little bonuses like existing arcanes for kitguns and zaws 
-There are at least 20 parts per Each element so 60 per weapon type and 180 total


Aquiring prime/sentient weapon elements
-Weapon elements can be found throu special missions.
-Those missions are available all the time.
Missions description: 
-4 people raid on orokin or sentient ships with railjack
- orokin recive their own special units despite of corrupted units
- To find orokin/sentient ship you have to raid corpus/grinneer for their cordinates. Spy/interception mission types 
-you have to search the ship for elements. You have to secure the ship and while rest of your party is raiding. 
-you can aquire parts from those missions in multiple ways: stealth, force, extermination of enemy defences.
--force is the Basic way
--stealth allows you to spend as least recources as possible 
-- extermination (optimal and hardest way) allows you aquire most amount of recources however it requires tactics and optimal team because you will lose your recources if not done effciently
-Enemies in those ships are highly inteligent using tactics not only force
Prime/sentient elements
Recources for effciency improving item( only can get those recources on this mission or 8 man raid), Arcane rare recources

Aquiring arcanes for weapons
-8 man raids on sentients/orokin bases
-Enemies have highly improved tactics
-Raid boss: 
-- for sentients its just sentient, might fight eidolons as adds, flying ones especialy
--not sure about orokin bosses
-Multiple objectives
-Require organized squads and thought out strategy
-Arcane blueprints
-Effciency improving item blueprint
-Arcane rare recources (only rares because with have a lot of recources already so we could use some of those), Effciency Item recources

Edited by Rinteru
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This whole idea is basically: ZAWS but they're prime/sentient and you have to farm raids. This will probably have the same problems regular zaws/kitguns have; once you get the best one the only reason left is fun. Which brings me to the next issue that; the missions may not be fun to play which will cause people to not play it as much.

So let's talk about the missions; first up they're raids of 4 and 8 for the arcanes. Main issue here is that solo players will be locked out of this content (some are solo not by choice but due to issues with their internet, connection or computer).

Secondly, the way to get weapon parts is through railjack; which hasn't been released yet so we don't no how it will play compared to the demo shown at tennocon, especially because they said they were going to rework arch wing for it, which means that if railjack isn't that good/fun to play, most people won't play it. Further, as shown through the demo, when you enter the ship it is on high alert so the possibility for successful spy is small so most people will just go exterminate as that is the quickest way.

Overall, i think you should rethink the customizable weapons idea and instead focus more on what will happen in each mission because the main reason why warframe doesn't have much "sustainable content" isn't just not having good rewards but also that the missions become boring, especially if you have to do them multiple times to farm something you want.

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38 minutes ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

It's so annoying when YouTubers make a video and literally everyone, out of nowhere, jumps on it...

Probably, thou i was thinking about it for a while, the vid ur talking about just gave me more reason to post it

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3 hours ago, AndouRaiton said:

This whole idea is basically: ZAWS but they're prime/sentient and you have to farm raids. This will probably have the same problems regular zaws/kitguns have; once you get the best one the only reason left is fun. Which brings me to the next issue that; the missions may not be fun to play which will cause people to not play it as much.

So let's talk about the missions; first up they're raids of 4 and 8 for the arcanes. Main issue here is that solo players will be locked out of this content (some are solo not by choice but due to issues with their internet, connection or computer).

Secondly, the way to get weapon parts is through railjack; which hasn't been released yet so we don't no how it will play compared to the demo shown at tennocon, especially because they said they were going to rework arch wing for it, which means that if railjack isn't that good/fun to play, most people won't play it. Further, as shown through the demo, when you enter the ship it is on high alert so the possibility for successful spy is small so most people will just go exterminate as that is the quickest way.

Overall, i think you should rethink the customizable weapons idea and instead focus more on what will happen in each mission because the main reason why warframe doesn't have much "sustainable content" isn't just not having good rewards but also that the missions become boring, especially if you have to do them multiple times to farm something you want.

Yeah so about my customizable weapon part as do to avoid getting "the best" configuration i wanted to add special effect a to Each part that would make combining Each part unique. And effciency would be randomly distributed between stats. However that would need a lot of thought.

As for mission types, esecialy the 4 man railjack, well it might possible to make it  soloable by force and stealth method i think.

Arcanes were never early game content, so i thought being locked behind 8 man raid was a good idea since big part of coummunity wanted raids back

I agree on part tho that missions have to be intresting. I focused more on Weapon ideas so we never run out of things to do(well not running out for long timelI can specify how missions could go

Edited by Rinteru
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