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Special Variants 2.0

(XBOX)XGN DrFeelGood

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With last year’s weapon buffs across the board for Primary, Secondary, and Beams it would be great to see uniqueness put back into the Prisma, Vandal, Wraith, Prime, Log-in ,and Syndicate variants (especially those missing the syndicate efferct) .


   While a few special variants are given the one up to be on par now (Burston Prime and Supra Vandal) there are others that do not have an augment made to enhance them. With these special variants sitting on their potential they can be revisited. Syndicate Effects has been a driving force to Special Variants, even if the stat increases are there. Theses special names with special meaning can use the Quality of Life to feel tangible.


   For 2019 there are story concept gaps that can be filled; so when we get that item we can look at the story of the game and say that this variant not only came through this type but also has “X” effect related to it. Two counter arguments can state that would be too much data to process extra weapon effects into the game and that Warframe operates in a multi-verse where “X” variant has no truth to it’s design. On this side of it a effect for Vandal weapons, Wraith weapons, Prime weapons, and “Zeni” (Log-in) would be interesting. Towards the 2nd point we have solid story that explains the Prime and Prisma weapons. Vandal and Wraith are just there for the imagination/speculation, and Syndicate and “Zeni” have little to no story to them.

   Story coverage would be awe inspiring to tell a newer player that “Wraith” variations of weapons are more than Variants reservered for Kuva and Nightwatch Grineer; but a select some of weapons that were dipped in Kuva, which is the equivalent to dragon blood. Vandal can be along the lines of the Corpus experimenting Orokin Era relics on their weapons. “Zeni” variants would have to do with a Tenno clan that made the special weapons by being influenced by “the man in the wall”. Lastly, Syndicated variants can use a introduction than to be stuck at the conclusion that each faction had their own technique to upgrade standard weapons. Explainable concepts like these would add to the area of giving the special variants to have their effects.


   Lastly, by giving each special variant their bonus effects the uniqueness to them would be more distinct. After so much Affinity the Vandal, Wraith, Prime, Prisma, and “Zeni” variants would gain their bonuses. Prisma weapons could get void damage added to them that would be like finisher damage, Wraith can get damage increased for enemies defeated (Similar to a combo meter). Vandal would have stat increases across the board. “Zeni” weapons can get an increase to element damage the more that an enemy is being rapidly effected by ‘procs’. With the main Prime variants they would have to get attention to their own mechanics, unless they’re are all thrown into a overdrive mode that gives Primary and Secondary weapons increased damage, fire rate, and magazine size similar to Pyrana Prime and melees get a multi-hit effect attack speed and damage. 


   In account for these suggestions it will help to improve the game, since there is the melee 3.0 system coming out this year. A story retelling and mechanic overhaul to the special variants revitalizes the content than just stat increases that increases focused on categories by 5% to 20%.

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