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Set Mods Suggestion


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I was perusing through my mods this morning working on a build for Baruuk when an idea hit. This may ormay not be something that has come up previously but instead of trying to search through the plethora of ideas before I lose this one wanted to get it out there.

My thought is this...

Fusion of set mods.

Not fusion in the way we already understand it in Warframe currently but fusion in that the mods can be fused together and retain the stats of the individual mods but obtain the set bonus.

This fusion should be based on the item it can be equipped on (ie. warframe, melee weapon, pet, etc...)

Polarity would be random if you have 1 of each polarity but in the event you have multiple of the same polarity the majority polarity would overrule.

In order to fuse them you would need to grind for the low drop chance fusion item or pay plat for the fusion item and you can only fuse them 1 at a time.

so in other words if you were to fuse say Augur set for the warframe:

Augur Message -> Augur Accord (Polarity 50/50 - or D) (180% shield Cap & 24% Ability Duration) (Set Bonus effectively would be 80% Energy spent on abilities is converted to shields)

That would be its own newly fused mod, with either a - or D polarity the cost to equip the mod would be 14 capacity unless you put it into a polarity slot

Now say we wanted to fuse the next Augur mod into it Augur Reach:

Augur Fused mod x2 (No idea atm on what to call this mod) -> Augur Reach (- polarity as it is the majority) (180% shield Cap, 24% Ability Duration, 30% Ability Range) (Set Bonus effectively would be 120% Energy spent on abilities is converted to shields) = 21 Capacity

and so on...

If we wanted to complete the set and obtain the whole set bonus we would need to fuse in Augur secrets for the W/F and fuse the pistol mods together and have them equipped as well on the pistol

This could be done on multiple levels for each set (ie. may not want to use the fully fused Augur set in all cases), used in multiple ways with all set mods effectively allowing us to further flesh out our W/Fs and weapons, have further control over our bonuses and would make more use of the set mods.

Also I did notice that this was mentioned and I like the thought the guy had but to go along with this, it would be awefully nice to be able to fuse your status dmg mods to create Radiation/Gas/Viral/Corrosive/Magnetic/Blast mods, same method above could apply for the status chance mods if you were to combine them effectively giving you 120% status chance bonus but the combining status dmg would be 120% of whatever it was you were combining...

Well this ended up being much longer than i expected, hope the suggestion helps feel free to reach out if there are any questions.



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