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Hind: Is It Better Than A Braton?



Built my first primary weapon yesterday: Hind. I'm upgrading from a Braton (came with potato). So far the Hind is Lvl18, and I'm using Serration (4), Piercing Hit (2) and Hammer Shot (2). Overall, this weapon appears to be far worse than the Braton.


Will it become better once it's LvL30? Is it necessary to potato it to see the benefits? Am I missing any critical mods?


As far as using it, I followed the advice from various Youtube videos (same as Burston) i.e. aim at torso to compensate for barrel climb and hope to score a headshot or two.

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Just look it up on the wiki. Like a normal person.


I did. The article has very limited info. Hence I asked here.


Is there any benefit to using critical chance or critical damage mods on the hind? What is the base critical chance for this rifle?


The wiki states that the speed trigger mods reduces delay between burst fire, so not using that.

Edited by hyperblaster
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I did. The article has very limited info. Hence I asked here.


Is there any benefit to using critical chance or critical damage mods on the hind? What is the base critical chance for this rifle?



Hind has 5% crit chance and 150% crit damage. I wouldn't bother with it.


source: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au6mBXle3cFtdHBYUzVJaDJfdkIzSEN1cUh5UlRvckE#gid=4


Can't comment on how better or worse it is compared to a Braton because I've never bothered to build a Hind even for the sake of mastery points.

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Hind has 5% crit chance and 150% crit damage. I wouldn't bother with it.


source: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au6mBXle3cFtdHBYUzVJaDJfdkIzSEN1cUh5UlRvckE#gid=4


Can't comment on how better or worse it is compared to a Braton because I've never bothered to build a Hind even for the sake of mastery points.


Thanks for the crit info. TIL that Google Doc exists.

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I did. The article has very limited info. Hence I asked here.


Is there any benefit to using critical chance or critical damage mods on the hind? What is the base critical chance for this rifle?


The wiki states that the speed trigger mods reduces delay between burst fire, so not using that.

Drop that Hammer Shot, critical is a waste on weapons with less than at least 10% crit chance.

Critical from mods is only a part of basic weapon /100, with +50% crit from mods you gain only half your weapons' basic crit.

If you have such a mod, multishot must be applied, you go for 5 bullets a target minimum, your ammo management can and will be determined by each bullet damage; for the same reason try to maximize the damages, Armor Piercing first.

Just in case, try Speed Trigger, I found it better after using it, but perhaps it's only me.

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Critical chance is exactly what it says . A chance of critting.  As opposed to the crit damage mod which will  amplify the crit everytime your weapon crits x % lvl of the  Critical damage mod. You could say that its useful to increase your chance of getting a critical hit. But crits have always been a random occurance and the amount of damage is always unknown. I would much rather use the limited mod slots available for something guaranteed to add damage like an elemental. But always fit the crit damage mod . This is what makes those lovely dark numbers you see . Shooting e.g 380,380,1500(yellow,red) you can see how essential this mod is. Chance mod has a purpose but not worth using a slot :) 

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I've built and leveled both to 30 for the mastery levels. I've stopped using any bullet damage weapons besides Dual Vastos because of the big damage fall off when doing high defense waves. Even with the Dual Vastos I don't take them when I plan to do high lvl defense.


With that being said, the Hind is actually a pretty decent Bullet damage weapon. I still have mine waiting to see what the rework on Armor is going to be like. My only suggestion is to build up your base damage quickly (Serration) then Split Chamber (90% chance for each of the 5 bullets to shoot a second bullet at no cost) and finally some Armor Piercing (Piercing Hit). Those are the high priority mods because the reload and fire rate are pretty decent.


If you have a Catalyst in the Hind then the rest of the mods should either be Element mods (based on the enemy's weakness) or Bane mods (+__% damage to specific factions). Element and Bane mods are completely based on the enemies you are fighting.



fire (Hellfire and/or Wildfire) and bane of infested


electric (Stormbringer) and freeze (Cryo Rounds) or bane of corpus (or all 3 if you can fit them)


electric (Stormbringer) or freeze (Cryo Rounds) -unless you can fit both- and bane of grineer

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