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Is there a correct order in which to do the quests?



Hi, I have just completed the Second Dream quest, but if the quests are meant to be done in the sorting order in the codex, then I have missed Fortuna and Limbo Theorem (I will do them eventually of course).

I am wondering if the codex sorting is the recommended way to do the quests, or should I play them in the order that the expansions came out?

For example, Fortuna is the third quest in the codex but the expansion came out the last...

The reason I didn't play it is because I unlocked it pretty early, but at the time I was far from ready to do the second (or third) mission (defending a tower), made me feel it was meant to be played later. But does it effect the story timeline?

Edited by (PS4)vashkor
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Codex sorting is the recommended order. You have to do some of them in order, however, as they progress the story. But you won't be able to play those quests if you haven't done their prerequisites. Now that you've completed The Second Dream, you have The War Within unlocked. The codex should tell you if anything is required to start a particular quest.

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