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Umbral Chroma Orbfight - Full Setup (POPs) and some suggestions


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Hi 2gether,

I just read a post on youtube where someone was asking for an Umbral Chroma orbfight setup. Thats why I want to share my current build with you. As the title tells its all plain old pictures and not much prosa explanatory on the build (I might add that later), but feel free to ask me anything. I added some general suggestions on how to deal with the fight. The build is balanced between damage, efficiency and convenience.
Also I'd be glad to hear your ideas/feedbacks and what builds you like. Have fun 😉


General tips

  1. U can force a change of the dmg-weaknesses of the shileds with applied void dmg. Either thru amp shots, void blast (operator melee) or by void dashing against the orb
  2. Focus on combined dmg-types since they'll do the most dmg and will be more slot efficient
  3. Keep your buffs always ticking, esp Chromas 3. Refresh em when the dmg-type changes to sth which u cant provide sufficiently. There is a short delay before u can force the change and you can ezly squeeze in an energizing dash and refresh your 3
  4. Arrange your used hotkeys with sense i.e. the most used quickly reachable. Esp. for arch-gun swap. Since its bugged or stupidly programmed in a way where it doesnt swap for w/e reasons
  5. Aiming down sights prevents knockdows. You get pushed back instead
  6. Use the early pylon phase (time between firing and landing) to clear mobs. Melee slide attacks are great for that, even without meming strike. Range helps alot tho.
  7. So far for today., Ill add more later...


FRAME: Chroma Prime (obviously :P)


PRIMARY: Vectis PrimeSqr0mR3.png


SECONDARY: RattlegutsD3NA9mq.png


MELEE: Plague Kripath1Bzwl0l.png


ARCH-GUN: Corvastk50N2K.png


ARCANES/AMP: Eleveate  + Lockdown & 427qecGTmb.png


FOCUS: ZenurikkgNahJu.png

Edited by Anarchy_Skywalker
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