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Think of the Rubedo Nightwave! ;.;

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Like 3000 of it from an alert! I need to pile that on my mountain! Or those 5300 creds there's no other way to get those at a reasonable time! What about those 4 a.m. Surprise catalyst alerts that make me die on the inside I'll never get that feeling back Nightwave! 4 Nitain a day and I work missing three of those so really 1 a day If I'm not too tired but in you come giving 5 for 15 cred which i got by just finishing the first set of challenges the disrespect to my time /s /ss? No wait nvm.

Yes sarcasm isn't a good way to introduce a thread but Even as a new player (which I'm not anymore) i was skipping basically everything but Oxium alerts by mr 3. This new system gives slots even, cosmetics, takes the MASSIVE rng wait game of Vauban out (Took me a month to build back in the day) as well as alt helmets  so new frame alt helmets will be much easier to acquire by slipping them into shop rotation. And most importantly of all I'm very casually going through it. I still have a day to do 3 plains bounties cause me n friends capped my 1st hydrolyst last night and were like "it's late" and I WENT TO BED not thinking I might miss a catalyst or something or seeing one up when i get up with 13 min left knowing my friends won't be up by then just welp.

Just adding to the pile but needed to say this as I'm frankly amazed at the defense of old alerts despite previously seeing threads before that saying alerts don't ever give anything worth the TIME.

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