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All I See Is Everyone Complaining, And No One Having Fun


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it's not THAT tedious. But it is somewhat I agree and this update has done nothing on it. The problem is not that you have to farm on this or that, but because farming hasn't been revisited for a while. I wrote an enormous topic on how farming could be exciting but devs are ignoring it on purpose/

Yep. I think people should't have to grind at all. Games aren't supposed to be tedious at all.


To me, playing this game isn't fun, it's a chore.

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You've brought something to their attention, that's great, right? Well, it is. But, then, everything erupted into a massive volcanic volley of butthurt, complaining all at the same time, with the majority complaining simply for the sake of complaining.


You didn't say explain basic human nature, you asked why people whine on a forum.

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Sure, you have your reasons! Now do yourself a favor and read through the majority of the threads, too. Most people are simply riding the bandwagon and, as I said above, complaining for the sake of complaining. The people with actual constructive criticism are the minority here.

Obviously we're going to have a bunch of fools who complain for the sake of complaining, but no matter how many of those fools there are, that doesn't make the "minority"'s reasons for complaining any less valid.

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People are complaining because DE is making bad changes. They game can't improve if nobody says "hey, I don't like this, fix it, it sucks."

This kind of epitomizes the problem with these forums: the tone of the posts.

There's a big difference, seemingly ignored by many here, between "Here's my opinion on why this may not be enjoyable and here is a polite presentation of my suggestion(s)." and "This sucks. Fix it."

There are some valid complaints going around the forums and being discussed, but goddamn is it hard to read. It really makes me wish there was some more moderation here. As of now, many threads start off mostly reasonable and end up full of drivel within a few pages.

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You didn't say explain basic human nature, you asked why people whine on a forum.


No, I didn't ask anything. I told people to stop complaining.


Which, in retrospect, is probably the worst thing I could have done, as it'll just encourage more damn complaints.


Obviously we're going to have a bunch of fools who complain for the sake of complaining, but no matter how many of those fools there are, that doesn't make the "minority"'s reasons for complaining any less valid.


By all means, if you're valid in your concerns, then go ahead and post whatever you want. But... for one, this is mainly directed to the whiners who go all "THE GAME IS RUINED AMG AND I'LL NEVAH BE ABLE TO PLAY AGAIN. Q_Q," and just expect the bandwagon to follow you around in your threads.

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Because people rush missions and don't explore. Expecting them to just appear from the reward screen.


That's a load of nonsense. I hate this key crap and I explore every mission I do almost 100%.


I don't want it on the first day, but I also don't want to spend four hours a day on it for the next two weeks.


Keep in mind that a lot of the complaining about this was from right after the update went live. When the keys took 6 hours each, and asked for 7k nanospores, 5k salvage, and 5k circuits. They have been dropped in price and time three times since then. You're complaining because your experience now does not match the experience of other players who were playing eighteen hours and two hotfixes ago.


I'm fine to spend 10-20 hours farming a frame. If he falls into that range, then it's fine. I just don't want them to start thinking 40+ hour grinds are something we want to do.

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No, I didn't ask anything. I told people to stop complaining.


Which, in retrospect, is probably the worst thing I could have done, as it'll just encourage more damn complaints.


Exactly. Posting an observation in a Discussion Forum, even when not formed in Question format, will yield answers and explainations as to why said observation occurs.

Edited by Archistopheles
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That's a load of nonsense. I hate this key crap and I explore every mission I do almost 100%.


I don't want it on the first day, but I also don't want to spend four hours a day on it for the next two weeks.


Keep in mind that a lot of the complaining about this was from right after the update went live. When the keys took 6 hours each, and asked for 7k nanospores, 5k salvage, and 5k circuits. They have been dropped in price and time three times since then. You're complaining because your experience now does not match the experience of other players who were playing eighteen hours and two hotfixes ago.


I'm fine to spend 10-20 hours farming a frame. If he falls into that range, then it's fine. I just don't want them to start thinking 40+ hour grinds are something we want to do.


Take a look around! It's a lot more recent than just the resources issue (although, something to sink my nano spores into wouldn't sound so bad right now. :p)!


It's a little something called the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory:

Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad.


If the masses can't complain about something, they'll find something else to complain about. Such as the stamina system, or the build time, or the new weapons, or... or... and or. The list goes on and on.

Edited by Kamal965
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I'll tell you what turns me off about the update.


Looting crates and lockers feels cheap to get hold of 'data'. It's not fun, demands no skill, and is not logical. I would rather slaughter my way through a horde of level 60+ enemies to get the key to farm the other key.


And guess what, the RNG gods hate me. Me and a few other Tenno. Not all of us are lucky to get even one nav data every mission.


When I smash a crate, I do it to get health, energy or affinity. And imo, it should have stayed that way.


If the whole purpose of the Golem fight was to show off this amazing new boss and give us some fun, why is it so damn tedious to get to him?


I like fighting Vor, I like fighting Raptor. I wouldn't mind if the new Golem dropped Nekros blueprints based on RNG just like every other boss. Because he is FUN to fight. Not hidden behind a grindwall that turns me off.

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I'm still having as much fun with the game as I was yesterday, and the week/month before that.


It seems that burned out players are bored of playing the game for its own sake and just want the new toys. Rushing about farming materials and bps like crazed drug addicts is no way to have fun (we've all done it), and of course it's going to take time to unlock, that's the nature of F2P, unfortunately.


I would agree that if you're not having fun then it's probably time to look elsewhere for a while. There are other games.

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How the hell farming for coordinates can be tedious and grindy? IT DROPS EVERYWERE YOU PLAY, YOU CAN'T EVEN AVOID IT. play something, build something and then you'll find with plenty of resources to go to derelict.



Arghh the hate and whining makes me vomit. Why do you all see everything as grinding? Can't you be more patient? WHY DO YOU HAVE TO GET ALL THE CONTENT IN A FIRST DAY?! settle down and stop being so hardcore.

I agree with not getting everything the first day, but tilesets shouldn't be behind a farm-wall. It's what long time players are waiting for the most. And they didn't even say it was going to be only accesible through keys... so I guess many people were quite disappointed.

In my opinion content that expands the game like that should be available from the get go (if you have already advanced enough in the game). The void is enough, and if more stuff needs to be hidden behind keys they could make more void missions, not create more "locked" content.

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