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Blocking And Rolling Are Still Next To Worthless...


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Dodging and Rolling are also still useless, sure, they give minor damage reductions, but the reductions are, like I said, minor.


Don't get my complaint mixed with hatred for lack of utility, I used rolls, flips, and all sorts of movements before they had any reduction, and I use them even more now.


But the way it stands, in a true "I am about to die, what do I do?" situation I will rarely EVER do a roll, unless it's an exploder. And I can say I have NEVER blocked before I had Reflection.


So please, take into consideration that movement in this game is being undermined because of how inefficient it is...


Next to 70% damage reduction while rolling would be sufficient, since we cannot exactly deal damage while rolling, we shouldn't take that much either.


I'd like to say 90% of melee damage neglected when blocking, but for a harder strain on stamina. And 60% damage reduction for lasers/ beams, and about 40-50% for bullets.


I always talk about how this game needs a skill sink, well being able to effectively time rolls and blocks to avoid a lot of damage *Napalm about to strike, Heavy about to ground pound, Ancient about to arm latch* would be MONUMENTALLY game changing, and for the better.

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Have you tried the new Golem yet? Dodging is useful against it's swinging scythe attack. If you time it right you can roll out of the way or over it and take zero damage.


Also, there is a new Warframe mod that makes blocking useful by giving you a high chance of knocking down enemies while blocking. The only problem is that it's a Warframe mod and not a melee mod, so fat chance anyone will ever use it.

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The new block mod is pretty good. Maxed out it reflects 96% of incoming damage back at the attacker.




It doesn't reflect, it adds the damage back at them. Meaning you still take all of the damage, but they do too.


It's next to useless, considering that Chargers on Xini only take 50 damage from their own swing, while I take the same amount, it's not a great trade off.

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I only roll to get bombs and leeches off of me.  It's actually faster to just sprint out of the way of something than it is to go through the roll animation...

That's why we need a "dash" instead of a roll. A quick leap forward followed by a roll which you can see i many shooters and it's especially effective in saints row the third. Just go watch some random gameplay if you haven't seen it.

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