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New Melee system bug report and feedback.


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Feedback: What's up with new melee system, kinda makes Guardian Derision not work fully now, since you can't active block. Should have just made melee "R1" instead of "Circle" and not done this other nonsense. Would be far more effective for combo melee. Plus, it would make gunblades far better to use. Yes I know you can make Melee R2, but that doesn't help when some combos necessitate a "Circle" press. Switch "Circle" and "R1" already. Due to new aerial attack set-up for sword and shield, those beautiful animations for striking from the air are now gone and replaced by a poor looking effortless toss of shield. Doesn't look good at all.

Now bugs:

  • Using only secondary and melee causes you to be unable to re-equip secondary off and on.
  • Melee will bug out, and character will do a stutter animation and you cannot do melee any more. Was using Cobra and Crane at time.
  • Pyrana Prime ethereal weapon doesn't fire, fire-rate of weapon just doubles. Repeatable across all frames and loadouts.

    And those are just bugs i've come across, i'll add more as i discover them.
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I've found a small bug, at least for me. Apparently, the Volnus used to be a hammer that didn't knock enemies away, just down in a radius. I mean, it was the only hammer that didn't send enemies flying. I used this to do ultra fast finishers on everything. Sadly, the volnus is acts the same as the other hammers now. I'd like that back, personally. It made the Volnus a unigue weapon.

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With the new melee system implementation some combos seem broken. Some combos list “L2+O” but L2 just switches back to a weapon and aims. Just like R2 would primary fire. Why are these still in the combo UI? Either remove them, change the button prompt, the layout, anything but have a non-working system.

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So is there no master post for this controller mapping update?????????? I am seeing posts about it in a bunch of different forums, none of which seem to be getting much attention. This looks like it has the most posts though.

As a melee main, I hate the new controller layout options, and the new melee controls. It has actually broken my controller layout, as many commands are not able to be placed on certain buttons, or mixed with certain other commands. I have created a video showing me trying to remap my controller in vain, pointing out that the touch pad is still a useless set of buttons, and that melee combos being changed from 'block' to 'aim' is awful.

I have ultimately completely lost my Alt Fire button in order to make the new melee functios semi-usable, but if I want to use any stance where I previously used a "block combo" I would rather bash my head into a wall, because it is extremely clunky to deal with the "aim" button mid-combo (which pulls out your gun and takes off melee if you press it while not locked into a melee animation, press at the wrong time, or keep pressing it/use the "toggle aim" option, after you stop swinging).

The last posts I made in regards to the melee system were completely ignored and never addressed, when melee was shadow-nerfed in the Chimera update: frame movement speed no longer applies to melee combos, like Cleaving Whirlwind. You can move 100mph on foot, but start swinging and you stop completely and move at a static slow speed), so I am really not sure why I feel like making this video and leaving feedback on this new system will make any difference, or be heard....
This problem is still happening too, and it's why I switched from the slow combos, to faster moving ones like Tempo Royale. But now Tempo's block combo has been ruined by removing the block button, and making us use "aim" mid-combo, which I explained above has a big mess of issues. Basically all of melee has been screwed up, from my perspective of playing almost exclusively melee for many years.

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