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Where My Mutagen Samples?


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Before U10 Mutagen samples were already really rare and hard to find, especially compared to the other clan resources.


Now They aren't on the star map at all. I have to grind for the possibility to grind for Mutagen Samples.


You can and should put weapon BPs behind whatever grind/pay wall you want, but resources shouldn't be!

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What do I need more for? Clan research and weapons.


Well for a while they almost never dropped, then they got a slightly increased drop rate, but were still the most rare of the clan resources.


Now they are removed from the star map and replaced by other clan resources because they only appear in the Derelict map set.


Anyone who didn't have a chance to nab em when they were on the star map is screwed, so stop being selfish because you got them before they got put behind a wall.

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derelict void.<br /><br />Just quit. You've only put $50 into the game, and im guessing got a good few hundred hours out of it.


I still have fun playing though. I'd rather complain until DE fixes their mistake because they're usually pretty good about fixing their screw ups when people throw a fit.

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There is no other thread about this on the front page. Which forum are you looking at? This is "Gameplay Feedback"

Who cares where it was posted. Just because he is the 'first' to post it in the right place doesn't change anything. Grounds for a pat on the back maybe at best.

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Who cares where it was posted. Just because he is the 'first' to post it in the right place doesn't change anything. Grounds for a pat on the back maybe at best.

*Troll* ignore and move on!


Before U10 Mutagen samples were already really rare and hard to find, especially compared to the other clan resources.


Now They aren't on the star map at all. I have to grind for the possibility to grind for Mutagen Samples.


You can and should put weapon BPs behind whatever grind/pay wall you want, but resources shouldn't be!

The Troll is right it has been brought up a ton, and I will answer as many as I can to lend a voice to how crappy this is of the devs to do to the player community. If they would have made these ships plus the other places we could go to get them, then I would be cheering on the devs, and saying "about time" We have had a lack of these, they were on two planets only and now are locked in a key activated tile set which we need mats to build, this is very poor game making and a black-eye for DE if they do not correct it.

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What do you need more for?  Doesn't everybody already have, like, 200 of these things?  But seriously, though, they do seem to have dissappeared.  I'm sure they'll be back in the next hotfix.  That's how these things go.

No. If you think everyone has 200 of these, you'd probably do more infested planets like Jupiter or spammed the hell out of Eris.

And each weapon costs at least 2 forma and 7 mutagen masses.

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