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Don't Nerf Soma


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There is no way in hell that you didn't test the Soma with crit damage and chance mods on it. You knew that it would do as much damage as it does, and now that the rest of us do we've bought and/or used a potato on it. If you shaft it now, you're going to have a lot of unhappy customers. The Soma is the only gun in the game other than the Strun Wraith that actually performs well and shoots bullets. I've missed shooting bullets. Don't take my bullets away.


Things that you're allowed to touch include (and feel free to disagree with me here, forum-goers):


Reload speed (it's already faster than the Gorgon and Supra)

Mag size (joint biggest mag size in the game - bigger than the Gorgon despite it only being an assault rifle) 

Rate of fire (it fires faster than the Gorgon and Supra - the unofficial miniguns) 

The wind-up (it doesn't really make a great deal of sense for an AR to have wind-up)

The mastery requirement (currently there isn't one and the Soma is probably better than the Supra (MR7) and it easily surpasses the Gorgon (MR3))

The resource requirements (it's about as hard to build as the Gorgon - that should probably change) 

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it doesn't really make a great deal of sense for an AR to have wind-up


Windup on Soma makes more sense than wind up on gorgon.


Both have a single barrel, but Gorgon's magazine is stationary and there is nothing to suggest that it is fed any differently than most other rifles in the game.


Soma's entire magazine must move to feed the weapon, and the magazine certainly has mass and thus inertia, which makes some degree of windup at least vaguely plausible.
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Just put a mastery requirement to it?


That and a resource increase would be my suggestion, but  then they have to work out how they'd deal with it for low MR players who already built it. They'd either have to restrict them from using the item that they've already built (and levelled and potato'd and Forma'd, potentially) or just let them have it - which could be considered unfair to players who didn't get to the Soma fast enough.




Windup on Soma makes more sense than wind up on gorgon.
Both have a single barrel, but Gorgon's magazine is stationary and there is nothing to suggest that it is fed any differently than most other rifles in the game.
Soma's entire magazine must move to feed the weapon, and the magazine certainly has mass and thus inertia, which makes some degree of windup at least vaguely plausible.



I agree that windup on Soma makes sense, but not necessarily more so than on the Gorgon. We don't really know how the Gorgon works on the inside. I just don't think that it fits with the usual vision of an assault rifle. Between the massive mag size, long reload speed and wind-up - it's no less a minigun in practice than the Gorgon and Supra are. Even if they pulled the mag size down to make it feel less like a minigun the windup is always going to feel a little bit strange - for me at least. YMMV.

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Not a lot of people understand the wind-up.  It isn't a required function for the assault rifle, it is a fire-select.  It can quickly change from semi-burst-automatic in a very short amount of time which makes it tactical.  The weapon itself is meant to be masterful and superior than all the offerings of the other factions.  It is a representation of the Tenno culture.  I said this in another post, but... think of it like a Tenno lightsaber.  I don't doubt there will be a prime version.

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I present you, a Latron with fully maxed Elemental mods, 2 from max serration and maxed duel stats and the like. It kills stuff just as quickly, is reliable, quick reload, all of the above.

Just stick good mod combos on a weapon and you have a good weapon.


You're deluding yourself if you think a well modded Latron can compete with a well modded Soma. The majority of weapons - pretty much everything without armour ignore - can't be made good just by putting on good mods.



As awesome as soma is, we did a little math and found that with the right mods (not even forma'd much) and a combination of roar, molecular prime and sonar, you could be doing HALF A MILLION DAMAGE PER SECOND.


Roar, MP and Sonar shouldn't really make a difference when you're coming to the conclusion of whether or not something should be nerfed. Surely Acrid and Despair still beat it under the same circumstances?


Not a lot of people understand the wind-up.  It isn't a required function for the assault rifle, it is a fire-select.  It can quickly change from semi-burst-automatic in a very short amount of time which makes it tactical.  The weapon itself is meant to be masterful and superior than all the offerings of the other factions.  It is a representation of the Tenno culture.  I said this in another post, but... think of it like a Tenno lightsaber.  I don't doubt there will be a prime version.


I just don't think wind-up is frequently associated with assault rifles, particularly in games. That's my issue with it.


If it's meant to be masterful then surely it should have a MR requirement? Regardless, I agree with you to some extent. The Soma (along with the Tenno sniper rifle and shotgun that we were flashed) don't seem to follow the usual scheme of Tenno weapons being knock-offs of Orokin weapons - and if it really is supposed to be the pinnacle of restored Tenno tech then it should certainly surpass the Gorgon and Supra.


I agree that the wind-up is a useful and beneficial feature.


You can still squeeze off single rounds and short bursts without it, but the wind-up does make it easier and provides finer control.


Personally I don't find wind-up to be a positive, but it seems like the majority of people do. If it's so beneficial that it'd cripple the weapon to take it away, however, then I wouldn't endorse its removal of course, even though it wouldn't personally affect me. 

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Or you know wait for armor 2.0 and afterwards lets balance things.


It is pointless to balance anything till have that sorted out, i mean programmers are lazy so why do the double amount of work?



What do you mean 'or' wait for armour 2.0? I'm saying don't nerf it. We're in agreement. 


Also the devs don't seem to agree with you regarding balance prior to 2.0 if the recent Ignis buff was anything to go by - and so do I. If Kama dealt 1,000,000 damage per normal swing I wouldn't just brush it aside saying it's pointless to balance anything 'till armour 2.0 has rolled around.

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You're deluding yourself if you think a well modded Latron can compete with a well modded Soma. The majority of weapons - pretty much everything without armour ignore - can't be made good just by putting on good mods.

So I'm delusional when I see it taking out level 200's on one clip am I?

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