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Ideas For Special Environment Conditions.


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This is an idea I had before, about give each Suit a unique condition, if fufilled, added to the gameplay.

I shall (in no specific order) go down a list of examples of th things that could be done (

Volt: Since he works with electricity, he could short circut panels, for quick hacks, Electricly grind up/down rails and ziplines for faster movement, or if he stands/shoots a puddle of water or liquid in general, produces a stronger, aoe stun shock to anyone on it.

Frost: have his abilities leave icy paths, that he could slide down, or make enemies trip on, making for fun moments. Maybe even slide objects down them.

Mag: she could magneticly attract objects/enemies to each other and stuff

Ember: coming to close to her could make rounds spontaneously combust, causing weapon jams.

Rhino: He could break through certian doors, and even access secret pathways, and even rip off plating and throw it at enemies.

Ash: when ever he killed an enemy Via melee, could turn the enemy into a pile of ash, making him feel even stealthier.

Also, have the ability to mix multiple suits abilities. Such as (say we were to include either My custom warframe Aero or Tarudizers Tempest) Have them create a tornado, and volt or ember could use their ults on the tornado, creating a elemental, super damaging tornado of doom.

Doesn't have to be limited to this stuff. Add in ideas, let this thread grow!

EDIT: Another change that could easily be implement right now would be the actual enviromental conditions.

Such as when the base is exploding, and thigns are on fire, Ember becomes more powerful, or when liquid nitrogen is leaked, Frost becomes more powerful (cause i mean, its a bit dumb to have a Ice suit not be good in ice....)

Edited by FallenKingErzon
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ok but we need giant monsters to kill for that...

Nothing immidiate, just things that could be brought in, slowly, but surely.

Well, there was this topic about making boss fights more challenging and against bigger foes, like the infested golem into a huge &#! monster. These team moves could be pretty cool if boss fights were also more challenging. But right now, a good gun is all you need to wipe out 50 enemies. The only uses to these special moves I see right now are aesthetical. Edited by DeepbloodEclipse
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The mag one reminds me of a game that i loved and still love, Just Cause 2, I used to have a lot of fun grapling enemies to each other xD. I like those ideas, really! Hard to make but cool.

"ok but we need giant monsters to kill for that..."

About this, how about a giant Corpus or grenieer boss? Like a robot with weak spots and things like that? If someone played mass effect 2 till the end will know what im talking about :D

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Well, there was this topic about making boss fights more challenging and against bigger foes, like the infested golem into a huge &#! monster. These team moves could be pretty cool if boss fights were also more challenging. But right now, a good gun is all you need to wipe out 50 enemies. The only uses to these special moves I see right now are aesthetical.

So what if its aesthetical, doesn't make it any less cool. Plus, as the game advances, we are sure to find harder and harder battles, maybe even battles that will require these combos, one of these days.
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So what if its aesthetical, doesn't make it any less cool. Plus, as the game advances, we are sure to find harder and harder battles, maybe even battles that will require these combos, one of these days.

Yes, one of these days, but one of those days isn't currently anywhere in the known calender. Edited by DeepbloodEclipse
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Yes, one of these days, but one of those days isn't currently anywhere in the known calender.

once again I bring up a previeous statement of mine. Slowly, but surely. Doing something like what I proposed would take a huge over haul, and alot of time to do. Just bring it in one little bit at a time, not all at once.
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definitely tricky to implement some of these ideas OP (new game physics/mechanics for a few)

but some others seem almost already ingame or easily adaptable

all in all though, @(*()$ GREAT ideas =]

would LOVE to see some of the boxes/objects ingame be manipulatable by a rhino charge or mag pull, that would just be badass


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