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~220 Hours Playing Time, No Split Chamber.


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I have tried anything. Everything from lots of wave of low level defense, Void missions and treasure room scouring, to lots of Nacissus (5 fast waves to highest was 60 waves) and Outer Terminus (lots of wave 20-30 and few wave 50's). I even tried my luck with transfusion (fused countless rares and 700k credits to just get rare ability mods). All in all i have been searching for this one mod for maybe ~110 hours of my game play experience.


      Honestly this is starting to get disheartening trying to find it. I have taking every ones advice in finding this mod. I have had many friends and clan mates take time and helped me with the high level defense. Then i talk to the people who get the mod the first time the decide to do 15 waves of Venera or i join a random game of Narcissus to fin out the host got split chamber the game before the one i joined. Yet i will still continue to do Outer Terminus and Narcissus, and hope i find this mod that will let me use my rifles for once (other then needing affinity i have not used a rifle for a long time).


if anyone has any other suggestions i could try, that would be grand...

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Corpus Defense on Pluto. Your welcome


i have been doign that for the last week and a half, as i mentioned in opening post...



So you have spent all of your 220 hours farming for this one Mod? Really mate, it sucks that you haven't gotten it yet and I feel for you...


But RNG is RNG.


Just keep at it, that's the only thing you CAN do...

not quite all ~ half of my time played is for this one mod. and ohh yes i agree RNG is RNG and chance is chance.. but this is starting to get a little ridiculous... never the less i will continue onward..
Edited by OvAeons
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You're gonna get it sometime soon just keep at it. The places that the other posters her mentioned are good places to start looking. I finally got mine right after about 200 hours playing. Good luck to you.

 the only thing i have not tired extensively is Raptor, and i forgot about people saying hey had gotten the mod off him. so i will definitely remember that and try that fort a while ^^"

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i never deliberately farmed for the multishot mods. i just played the game and one day checked my mods and found several of each. no idea where i got them. maybe kappa or kiste?

did you play pre U7? if so the multishots dropped like candy. not so much anymore ^^"

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The first thing I did after downloading was look for good mods. This mod popped up at the top of my list. 165 hours later, Still nothing. All my game time I spent farming Corpus defenses for as long as I could. Guess what? I gave up.

most i did was stop playing for a couple weeks. but i still want to use my rifles! so i will search and search.

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I'm new to Warframe too, and, have been playing for a couple of weeks now (170+ hours).  My clan mates who have been playing for a lot longer are great sources of information on which mods I should keep an eye out for.  And, they invite me along to join them on their mission runs which doesn't hurt.


With that said my gameplay is always geared towards having fun, rather than, solely focusing on the idea of logging on to play the game just to get that one mod I need.  RNG aside, I've not had any problems with mod drops.  Now, warframe parts & blueprints...that's a whole different story. >.<


Have you ever been at school / work and watched the clock hoping the day would go by more quickly, and yet, it drags on feeling like it'll never end?  For what it's worth maybe adjust your perspective about this 'must have' mod and maybe it'll drop sooner than you think.

Edited by Grunveldus
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Wow... You can't be serious... I find it easy to get my mods...

Well yeah it kinda depends when you started playing. I started in April and have over 600 hours now. Somewhere in the middle split chamber became relatively easy to get, with me running into one every week or so. But before that, it really was very rare. Remember that dozens of new mods have been introduced in the pase couple of months. Up until the last update I had dozens of split chambers (fused allot of them since we only need a couple now).

Edited by sushidubya
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Well yeah it kinda depends when you started playing. I started in April and have over 600 hours now. Somewhere in the middle split chamber became relatively easy to get, with me running into one every week or so. But before that, it really was very rare. Remember that dozens of new mods have been introduced in the pase couple of months.

I took a break right after they introduced the card modding system. Came back 2 weeks ago and spent a few hours farming the mods I want. I only needed a few hours to find them....

Edited by Mikovsky
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I'm new to Warframe too, and, have been playing for a couple of weeks now (170+ hours).  My clan mates who have been playing for a lot longer are great sources of information on which mods I should keep an eye out for.  And, they invite me along to join them on their mission runs which doesn't hurt.


With that said my gameplay is always geared towards having fun, rather than, solely focusing on the idea of logging on to play the game just to get that one mod I need.  RNG aside, I've not had any problems with mod drops.  Now, warframe parts & blueprints...that's a whole different story. >.<


Have you ever been at school / work and watched the clock hoping the day would go by more quickly, and yet, it drags on feeling like it'll never end?  For what it's worth maybe adjust your perspective about this 'must have' mod and maybe it'll drop sooner than you think.


unfortunately that does not effect RNG ^^" but since a little after i started playing i stopped using primary weapons until i got my hands on strun wraith. Until then i did not have a usable weapon for anything high level other then constantly using despair or gremlins. by the by my despair is my most used weapon at 53%.

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I took a break right after they introduced the card modding system. Came back 2 weeks ago and spent a few hours farming the mods I want. I only needed a few hours to find them....

Right. Well I got my first one I'd say back in May or June? Back then it was different. Now a few Kiste runs or T3 Corpus defense and you find it.

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I am in the same situation as you OP, but I'm missing Hell's Chamber instead. If I could trade rare mod cards, I'd give you my spare Split Chamber for a Hell's Chamber in an instant.


I've done tons of T3 grineer endless defense and plenty of void runs, but still no luck on that particular mod.


EDIT: 223 hours played

Edited by GSrevolution
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I took a break right after they introduced the card modding system. Came back 2 weeks ago and spent a few hours farming the mods I want. I only needed a few hours to find them....


chance is chance, you could very well have been in the same place as many: nothing ever drops or is rewarded. i know people who have been without hornet strike, serration or gunslinger since they started (recent beginning as well)

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I am in the same situation as you OP, but I'm missing Hell's Chamber instead. If I could trade rare mod cards, I'd give you my spare Split Chamber for a Hell's Chamber in an instant.


I've done tons of T3 grineer endless defense and plenty of void runs, but still no luck on that particular mod.


hells chamber is where RNG loved me i was helping some friends get plastids. doing some grineer defense and then my first thunderbolt dropped. one wave later, barrel diffusion dropped. then when we hit wave 15 hell's chamber was reward. That was the luckiest i have ever been in Warframe. Yet i am fooped over in other places: main one being Split Chamber and second was 70 Lech Kril runs for frost system alone.

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