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You Can Take All These Forma/forma Bp's And Just...


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Give me the rare weapon parts that I'm looking for.


I think you might have messed up somewhere again DE.


I've gotten more Forma and Forma BP's than anything else. Its like the Frost Prime parts all over again. And all I really want are my Dakra Blade and Boar Receiver. I've given up on my second Orthos Prime Blade weeks ago.


I'm honestly getting burnt out on the void, and I'd really like to continue with what I was doing prior to UD10.


Is anyone else getting the same thing?

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As much as I'd love to blame RNG, the only other option for multiple rewards that I'm aware of is a token system... which I personally prefer... but what happens is people just add up all the tokens they need to get everything in the game and whine that it's a grind. No reasonable time sink will ever look reasonable when quantified raw in token form.

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There really is no pleasing people is there. Be grateful you got some forma, and be a little patient. Did you ever think you just might not be that lucky? Does DE really have to boost the drop rates specifically on the parts you are looking for? I don't think so, but what do I know.

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I had really hoped one of these threads wouldn't pop up. Seriously, are you really complaining that you are getting forma blueprints? Over the past week people have been dying to get just one. Trust me when I say this; Forma are more important than any item you could farm from the void. This game has a very high demand for them. You'll eventually get your "special item" through farming, but when and if the time comes again that there is a forma drought (ie U10.0) you are going to wish you had more.

P.S: Tier 3 Mobile Defense. I have been rewarded with 2 Boar Prime Receivers in 8 runs.

Edited by TheSphynx
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I had really hoped one of these threads wouldn't pop up. Seriously, are you really complaining that you are getting forma blueprints? Over the past week people have been dying to get just one. Trust me when I say this; Forma are more important than any item you could farm from the void. This game has a very high demand for them. You'll eventually get your "special item" through farming, but when and if the time comes again that there is a forma drought (ie U10.0) you are going to wish you had more.

P.S: Tier 3 Mobile Defense. I have been rewarded with 2 Boar Prime Receivers in 8 runs.


Don't get me wrong, I don't mind having or getting forma, but when more than two thirds of the runs I do, wind up giving me forma, its a bit ridiculous.


I won't suffer from any forma drought, I don't mind throwing DE a bone or two if it suits me.


PS: I'd have liked to have had that many in 8 runs, but I'm pushing well passed 20. Truthfully I've actually lost count.


Oh you're getting dragged over the coals by RNG and only getting Forma(Blueprints)? You must be a very special snowflake.

Do what the rest of us do, keep on persisting and you'll eventually get what your after.


The special snowflake and snide remarks can go right back up the sarcastic orifices they came out of. I've continued to farm, and I never said I was going to quit farming. Try not being so abrasive.


My persistence has normally paid off, but in this case, my ability to tolerate running the voids I need to run is starting to wear thin. Especially considering I'd rather be doing other things in game. 


Be happy I haven't complained yet that I have yet to see a second Orthos Prime Blade, and I've been farming for weeks for it.


Anyway. Maybe I should clarify,  that my biggest concern is that this patch is like the complete opposite of what it was before the patch was put in to fix it. Instead of Frost Prime (insert part here) or Latron Prime (insert part here again), we're getting forma instead. Good right? Except that its doing the same exact thing the other two items were doing. And that's preventing me from getting what I want. 


There really is no pleasing people is there. Be grateful you got some forma, and be a little patient. Did you ever think you just might not be that lucky? Does DE really have to boost the drop rates specifically on the parts you are looking for? I don't think so, but what do I know.


I hardly complain on the forums. This is probably the first time in months if at all. Usually I ride crap like this through, and let the rest of this backwards &#! community do the complaining, over much much more piddly garbage. I consider myself very lucky, considering I've only had a few hang ups on a few things here and there. I'm not asking for a boost on the drop rates of what I want, what I'm asking for NOW, is for DE to fix the drop rates, when they said they are or have fixed them. And they clearly have not.

Edited by Zeally
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As much as I'd love to blame RNG, the only other option for multiple rewards that I'm aware of is a token system... which I personally prefer... but what happens is people just add up all the tokens they need to get everything in the game and whine that it's a grind. No reasonable time sink will ever look reasonable when quantified raw in token form.


I'd take a Token system over this any day actually. At least you have some form of control as to when you get your desired item. 



Where are you getting all these forma?


I could use some before they mess with the drop tables again...


I've been strictly running T3 Exterminates and T3 Mobile Defenses, with a few T3 Survivals thrown in with the people I've been trading runs with. about 70%-80% of them resulting in forma blueprints and the remaining in parts that I already have and don't have a use for.

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Meh, it's not worth arguing about. The rates are perfectly fine where they are. Just another player wanting their items in the first 24 hours of a new Loot Table. Nothing new here, move along. On a serious note, these items have been out for a week. The new tables were just released YESTERDAY. No reason to be complaining 1 DAY after.

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Yeah except its not perfectly fine. 


Its not a new loot table, its an adjusted loot table. And the adjustment has just caused one thing to drop more (forma) then what was previously crowding out peoples items.


And there's no arguing here, just me sticking up for myself when all most people can muster is a snide remark accompanied by a smart &#! attitude.


Feel free to exclude yourself from participating in this topic if all you're going to do is provoke me.

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Zeally, you are running Tier 3 Missions. If you were running Tier 1 and 2 missions and getting forma every run, I could see that being a minor inconvenience. Forma should have a higher rate in Tier 3. Also, there are only 5 items in each one of those brackets (5 for T3 Mobile, 5 for T3 Exterminate). The particular items you are looking for have a 11% reward rate. You have just been a little unlucky. What I'm trying to say (and I apologize for coming off as a smart &#!) is, once you get that receiver or blade, you will most likely never run those T3 missions again (unless you are helping others OR farming for forma) in which case, you are going to appreciate the rate at which you can obtain them. As I stated earlier, forma are a high demand item. 90% of Dojo progression + Polarizing weapons in warframes.

You must understand, I'm not trying to provoke you. I started a few of the big posts regarding the forma issues after U10. When I see someone saying, "I'm getting too many forma" after all the work it took the community to get DE to adjust the tables, it feels like all the effort was a waste. You are farming for a 11% chance item. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and deal with it. Once you get it done, you'll never have to do it again. ALL of the other void missions have a less than common forma reward rate. I can assure you, you will not obtain them as frequently. Having 2 mission types with a common rate, makes the availability stable and consistent. It also removes the issue of spending your entire available time on warframe farming forma. I hope you can see where I am coming from and as I stated earlier, I apologize if I came off as a smart &#!.

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This is a post I can reason with.


See, I can understand people being ok with forma dropping like it is now in the void. But at this rate, with how much I am going into the void, I can guarantee that by the end of this weekend going into monday, I'll have more than enough forma to last me until the next "Big Update" rolls out, and probably then some.


I cannot agree with my luck being the only factor with how my drops have gone. Because that is simply not the case.


Sure Forma is a big part of dojo progression, but that becomes less relevant with the size of the dojo, as you have a much larger pool of people to work with. 


Now, what I just said might not be the case with Weapons or Warframes or smaller Clans, but that brings something else into light. Voids should not be the sole place to which people rush to to get forma, there are other ways in place, and those possibly need to be looked at too (login rewards and alerts).


But right now, all I'm effectively doing IS infact farming for forma, as that is what is most frequently dropping for me while I run for what I'm running voids for.

Edited by Zeally
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It seems you are either incredibly frustrated or you are not reading my posts. Let me make this easier for you.


I'm honestly getting burnt out on the void, and I'd really like to continue with what I was doing prior to UD10.

If forma were still on U10 reward rate, you would be A LOT more burnt out trying to farm them rather then the weapons. Forma were 1%, the pieces you are looking for are 11%. I'm sure you can handle the rest from here.


I've been running T3 MD and T3 Ext, and all I'm getting is what I don't want.

If you actually mean what you said here, you clearly don't understand the importance of forma. How often they are used, the quantity used, and how hard they were to obtain after U10.


I hardly complain on the forums. This is probably the first time in months if at all. Usually I ride crap like this through, and let the rest of this backwards &#! community do the complaining, over much much more piddly garbage. I consider myself very lucky, considering I've only had a few hang ups on a few things here and there. I'm not asking for a boost on the drop rates of what I want, what I'm asking for NOW, is for DE to fix the drop rates, when they said they are or have fixed them. And they clearly have not.

Hardly complain? C'mon, lets be serious. When I first read the title to this thread, I thought for sure it would be a troll post. You are getting upset because you can't obtain that 11% reward rate item from the Void. Grind it out, and work for your reward. You contradict yourself. In one of your posts you say "I've been running T3 MD and T3 Ext, and all I'm getting is what I don't want." Next you say, "what I'm asking for NOW, is for DE to fix the drop rates". You're asking for an easier way to obtain your item. the only way to do that would be to either lower the other items rates, or raise yours.


I've been strictly running T3 Exterminates and T3 Mobile Defenses, with a few T3 Survivals thrown in with the people I've been trading runs with. about 70%-80% of them resulting in forma blueprints and the remaining in parts that I already have and don't have a use for.

If you are getting 70%-80% forma reward rates, something is up. I myself have run quite a few T3 MDs since 10.1. Myself, and a lot of players I talk to regularly have been getting nowhere close to those numbers. Maybe 1 out of 5 runs and that seems reasonable to me for a TIER 3 MISSION.



See, I can understand people being ok with forma dropping like it is now in the void. But at this rate, with how much I am going into the void, I can guarantee that by the end of this weekend going into monday, I'll have more than enough forma to last me until the next "Big Update" rolls out, and probably then some.

You can guarantee that? Lets do some math. Update 11 probably won't be out for another month and a half (We'll say 45 days). We'll also give forma a 1 in 3 reward rate. Unless you have 135 Tier 3 MD and Ext keys and a HUGE amount of time (probably 0 sleep), I don't think this would be quite possible. To Each His Own, I guess.



I cannot agree with my luck being the only factor with how my drops have gone. Because that is simply not the case.


But right now, all I'm effectively doing IS infact farming for forma, as that is what is most frequently dropping for me while I run for what I'm running voids for.

You're right, most people don't believe in luck. It's the RNG. As I have told you (close to 5 times) you have an 11% chance to be rewarded with the specific items you are farming. It's not a bad chance. There are only 5 items in that table. It's not like there are 10 other items completely diluting the table.

No, you are effectively farming your weapon parts.. as you stated. Earning forma blueprints on the side, is a bonus, not a penalty. Would you rather there be a Team Heal Blueprint or a Mag Prime Helmet in that forma table slot? No, because at least those forma WILL ALWAYS be NEEDED. This whole thread sounds like you are just trying to be the first one to complain about the new forma tables or you are trying to troll me. In that case, congratulations, you succeeded . Honestly, I tried my best to explain everything to you. You didn't want to hear any of it. I hope this breakdown made it a little easier for you to understand.

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All I've been getting are Frost Prime helmets, Latron Prime stocks, Reaper Prime handles, and Daka Prime blades. After about 50-75 void runs, I have yet to get a Frost Prime BP/systems (or chasses, I don't remember which), Reaper Prime blade, or a Latron Prime receiver. It seems that these two items never drop or rewarded in Void missions. I know that Prime parts should be rare, but not this rare!

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I'm just going to copy and paste a relevant post I made earlier today:


"I'm a little burnt out.
I have 8 or 9 Mag Prime helmets and none of her other parts.
0 parts of the new weapons that came with Mag Prime.
4 or 5 Nekros' chassis, 1 helmet and 0 systems.
8 Miter Barrels and 5+ of its other parts except for chassis of which I have 0.
1 Twin Gremlin bp and no other parts.
I've also been trying to get the 5 new prime weapons (orthos, braton, bronco, fang, paris) since they came out and I have 5+ of various parts for all of them but I'm missing one for all of them so I can't make any. Just the bit about the prime weapons made me take a break for a few weeks. Signed in for the log-in rewards but that's basically it. It has even made me wonder if that is support ticket worthy lol (probably not, kind of a joke.... it did cross my mind)
   Came back just recently and the first bit of my post about Mag Prime and Nekros happened. Doesn't really encourage me to play.... So I've been doing easy solo missions with favorite frames and weapons while trying to ignore the part of me that says "I gotta have the new stuff!" lol I had forgotten that the gameplay is actually fun when your not running in the same place over and over. Playing to play. Haven't done that since just before Frost Prime and his weapons came out."
TL;DR? I've pretty much given up on farming Prime parts and other things. At least for now
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Oh well. I some how managed to get a Dakra Blade first thing today. But, while still farming for the Boar Prime Reciever, it seems I've accrued enough Forma blueprints that I'll be crafting them for the next three weeks. On top of that, I doubled the amount of barrels I had. Also got a some Reaper blades and some Frost part I don't care to remember.


But on a good note, I ended the night with a whimsical Capture and got that Orthos Prime Blade that I'd been searching for so long.


I guess its whatever..


Feel free to let my topic rot from here on out.

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4 or 5 Nekros' chassis, 1 helmet and 0 systems.

It's funny because I only did the derelict assassination 3 times, and I got all the parts I needed. It's rng man, I'm lucky. But you just need to persist. It took me months to get my frost prime, but I'm glad I eventually got it.

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Question - Would this idea work???


How about a system where if you get, say a latron prime barrel part, your chance of getting the same part again is lowered.  So, instead of getting a bunch of the same over and over again, you would be able to get a higher percentage chance of the parts you want.  Sorry if i am just rehashing someone else's idea or something.  Just wondering if this might be a good idea.

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Sitting on about 8 forma BP's. I'm on the verge of giving up on that 2nd Orthos Blade and Mag Prime Systems. It's absolutely ridiculous. I posted this in another topic, but I'll post it here as well:



The Forma drop rate still shouldn't be higher than parts necessary for crafting Primes. That's just stupid. I've gotten at least 8 Forma BP's just trying to get an Orthos Prime Blade. I would trade all of them just for one Orthos Prime Blade. I'm not even joking. I've been trying to get this 1 blade since the day the Orthos Prime was added to the game. I'm at my wits end.


The same goes for Mag Prime Systems, or other Prime parts. Why should a Forma be easier to get than these? What am I supposed to do with all these Forma? Add more rooms to my dojo that don't need to be there to begin with? My weapons don't need them anymore, my frames will never need one. I'd rather give them out to people but we can't even trade in this game, oh joy. Can't wait to see 12 Forma sitting in my inventory.


After busting my balls for a T3 Capture Key or T3 Survival Key or what have you it irritates me to no end when I can't even get one item after literally months. DE needs to rethink the drop rates, again, if this RNG system is gonna stick. They're horrible right now. Why should a Forma be on the same level as a Braton Prime Barrel? Why is a Braton Prime Barrel 37% to begin with, compared to an Orthos Prime Blade which you need two of, which has a measly 11% chance of showing up, which in truth REALLY ISN'T HIGH AT ALL when you have almost a 40% chance to get a stupid Barrel or another Forma.


It used to actually be exciting to get a forma BP, now it's as irritating as Latron Prime parts in Mag Systems runs.


And yes, people; there ARE players that have 'too much Forma.' Myself included. I'm trying to get a stupid Blade and Systems BP. That's all I've wanted for quite some time now. This shouldn't be an irritating thing that ruins the game with obscene amounts of time sinking with 0 results. I am so tired of looking at the void, especially when it's become second nature to just assume I'm going to be disappointed when I get to Extraction. Getting keys isn't exactly fun either, in the first place. 

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