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Ping system and railjack


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From what I’ve seen of the new railjack fights they require a lot of coordination and therefore communication. At the moment there are only two ways of communication in Warframe. One is the written chat which is far to slow for a game this fast paced. The other is voice chat which isn’t great since A: not everyone owns a mic; B: even those who do own mics don’t always want to use them; and C; people can be seriously annoying via voice chat. Anyone with any experience in multiplayer PvP game knows what I’m talking about. 

So what I’m driving at is that I think Warframe needs a proper ping system before it integrates railjack. Again coordination is key and without a ping system it will be a lot harder, especially when playing with randoms. And it’s not like a ping system capable of this kind of coordination is impossible, just look at MOBAs or Apex Legends. Hell I played MOBAs for 3 years without ever using voice chat and was still able to coordinate just fine, and it’s not like MOBAs don’t require a ton of coordination.

Anyway I’ve said my piece and I hope DE integrates a system like this with the railjack update instead of making us wait six months to a year before doing so.

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