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Relic Selection bug/lag....


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So we have new relics to pop.  Finally get to put that new relic UI to heavy use.   It sucks.....  

-You join a group,  the host starts a fissue and picks a relic.  You try to join the mission which opens the relic selection screen.   Only the very first thing that happens is a pop up saying "would you like to continue WITHOUT a relic equipped.."??  WTF is this???  Is this a bug causing this or is it the only way for you to allow people not to use relics??  Whatever the case this is absolutely stupid.  Just show the relics.  90%+ of people are doing a fissure to pop relics.... You know what a pain in the #$^ it is to have to reform a relic group because someone accidently clicks on that bullcrap pop-up and doesnt take a relic???  You actually made it worse...

-Lets pretend nobody gets tricked by your stupid no relic pop up.  Sometimes a person will choose a relic which will put a checkmark next to their name to show they are ready....BUT....because of game lag or new UI lag the person's equipment window does NOT show the relic he has chosen which makes it looks like he clicked ready without picking one.  What do you think happens then..... thats right.... the group disbands and either stays that way or disbands and reforms minus that guy.   If you wait a second or two though the relic will show up in peoples equipment section,  but do you think people have the patience to do that when they are after new primes?    I have noticed this lag between choosing a relic and it updating your equipment list on myself as well.

-With a new UI you would think you could have added another 10 seconds on to choosing a reward screen so people could get used to it.  You would think it could be a permanent change to give us longer to choose a reward also since there are screen blocking pop ups of information everytime you mouse over something.  

-Oh I tried to refine a relic on the fly between ROUNDS.  We finished one round of an endless and I chose a reward and I decided to refine a relic for the next round.  I knew my way around the screens by this time so that wasnt really an issue.  However after refining my relic up to radiant im not sure what happened next.  I thought I clicked on it to use it??  But when the next round started I had no relic chosen....  which was fine because we all left anyways but if I had actually needed that to work it would not have.....  


While we are talking about Relics and Matchmaking can we talk about an overhaul to Relic matchmaking??? 

-The host should be only one allowed to pick a fissure

-The host should be only one allowed to start the mission countdown

-The host should be allowed to kick people from the group

-The host should be able to STOP the countdown without having to disband the entire group.   Some people try to be scumbags and not take relics you ask for,  some people just get dropped from group,  When those things happen you have to abort missions,  disband,  reform.   Being able to stop a mission launch would stop all of that wasted motion.  

-Everyone should have the ability to become UNREADY.  Sometimes mistakes happen.  But once you click ready there is no way to undo the mistake unless you bail from the group wasting everyones time.

Matchmaking should just be alot more controlled and easier to reorganize on the fly instead of disband/reform mechanics.   


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Heres another bug I had soon after gas city upgrade dropped.    This has happened more than once....  

Not sure it matters but if you look this is 20 minutes into the mission,  like I said this has happened before and probably not that deep into the mission.   But we finished another 5 minutes in a survival relic fissure,  the reward select screen pops up....   except you cant see the damn rewards and the countdown just goes on without you.  In the pic the rewards were all bronze/common but who knows if that was even true because maybe the colors have to be loaded to.  So you cant even go for a high rarity item.  You just have to pick one completely randomly.  Im pretty sure you DO get the reward for whatever was suppose to be there,  could be wrong though and you get none... 


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19 hours ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

You try to join the mission which opens the relic selection screen.   Only the very first thing that happens is a pop up saying "would you like to continue WITHOUT a relic equipped.."??  WTF is this???  Is this a bug causing this or is it the only way for you to allow people not to use relics??

It's likely a bug.  We get it on XB1 as well.

19 hours ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

-The host should be able to STOP the countdown without having to disband the entire group.

Unless something has changed, this feature already exists.  If the host is in "Invite Only" they can stop the countdown.


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5 hours ago, (XB1)R3d P01nt said:

Unless something has changed, this feature already exists.  If the host is in "Invite Only" they can stop the countdown.


Yeah I saw this last night popping relics.  I usually host and usually am in invite only.  But sometimes im not the host and not everyone locks the group.  But atleast I was spared from a few reformations.  I definately had the situation happen a few times last night.  

(Finished Wukong+Ninkondi and have 4/6 zhuge parts??)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok the LOADING bug in that video above is super annoying and still going on!! Are you guys working on it???  Whats the progress??  

I had it happen again last night and I was at round 4 so that might be part of the problem...  but I think it has also happened earlier....  

You never see the rewards,  and you are unable to pick anyone elses reward.. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Come on guys...  that bug from the video is super nasty and ruins relic farming.   I will be so super pissed if that happens with a relic I refine...  

But the problem is STILL going on after the latest patch (tenno reinforcements).  

You cant see the rewards,  you can NOT change your selection.

I also noticed the reward given for that loading bug are invisable from the mission progress screen until you finish the mission,  then they show up.  

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