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Buff Supra? I Think It Would Be Nice, Do You Think It Would Be Nice? Huh? (Dataz Inside)


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In all honesty, I have no bloody clue what those tables are or what those values mean, but as a Supra user, I agree with your opinion whatever the hell it might be if it includes a buff. 


No but seriously, I put a sheitload of time in making this weapon, and what do I get? A gun with horrifying projectile traverse speed, low dps, and outperformed by a cheap-arse gun that can be obtained with sheer credits. I call bullS#&$.

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Give supra an AOE cone...really (not as wide as ignis of cos)


Anything in the AOE cone would be dealt the same dmg for the same distance from supra.


While this aspect is buffed, the fire rate should stay the same so that it's ammo efficiency won't be worsened.


This will give it a niche over soma as it can deal dmg to multiple enemies at one time, therefore its DPS > soma for enemy number 2 and above.


Perhaps add a puncture also.

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No it is not a very good gun.


It is a supremely mediocre gun.


It is insanely expensive to make.


It takes FIVE forma to max its burst damage.


Your result for doing this?


the sixth most damaging gun in the game... if your target is directly in front of you and frozen


It is a glowy gimmick vanity SMG for Rhino.


and nothing else.


Look at the minigun in Doom 3 or the Typhoon in ME3 or the minigun in AvP2/3


The gun's cost in no way shape or form matches its output. Not even close.


It is a vanity weapon and nothing else.



I like your post on that topic and it's fitting to put it here.

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