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Changes to the status effects


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This is a concept I thought for a long time.

In current warframe, the ways to MOD our weapon or warframes is kind of fixed, I think one main problem is how status effects works in warframe. 

Some status are obviously superior than others, such as Slash compaired to the other two, and Corrosion, Viral, to the other ones.

Here are some thoughts, I will try to make minimal changes. Please feel free to throw in more thoughts.

Heat -- which is maybe the worse effect in the game currently

            Change to some kind of inflammation effect, which increases damage taken to affected enemies by 10 percent, stacks up to 5 times

Thought: I first thought about this just to change how Ember works in game. Ember can't give too much team support currently, since 4 of her abilities is related to fire, this change may change how Ember positioned in team fights. Currently there is not many frames that can increase damage taken to enemies, the best of them is obviously Nova, I think it will be pretty cool for Ember to have this kind of ability. Maybe we can even change Ember's passive to something like " increases the percentage of heat proc to 20 percent each proc" or " increase the max stack up to 10 times" or something like that.

Magnetic -- Swap in the current void proc and make it into a smaller scale, like increase the chance to get head shot, like Scourge ,or pull bullet to enemy bodies in a small range to decrease miss fires. I think that will improve a lot.

Void -- Just make something cool, its kind of hard to think of something that actually affects the game with the name "Void", please throw in ideas.

Impact -- Blow away enemy weapons in a chance about 10-15%, trying to keep it low so it won't weaken enemy too much

Puncture -- some kind of disable effect, which make enemies move, attack and reacts slower. Kind of like Cold effect but looks different.

The remaining effects in my opinion is relatively good, may not need changes.

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2 hours ago, CraterW said:

Puncture -- some kind of disable effect, which make enemies move, attack and reacts slower. Kind of like Cold effect but looks different.

It would be better if puncture procs created a weak sport (this place has a 1.25 damage multiplier) , successive puncture procs on that spot would increase the multiplier ( up to 3 times).

2 hours ago, CraterW said:

Void -- Just make something cool, its kind of hard to think of something that actually affects the game with the name "Void", please throw in ideas.

Void- turn the enemy into a void conduit, they will take increased void damage and warframe skill damage. Additionally, the enemy will collapse into a singularity upon death. This singularity will pull all nearby enemies and deals damages equals to HP of the enemy that was afflicted with the void proc.

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3 hours ago, CraterW said:

Heat -- which is maybe the worse effect in the game currently

            Change to some kind of inflammation effect, which increases damage taken to affected enemies by 10 percent, stacks up to 5 times


I actually like Heat's status effect which causes helpful crowd control for Ember and if you use a weapon like Ignis. Damage + DOT + CC is wonderful honestly. Plus, the only thing heat struggles against is Proto Shield, which is more than remedied via Magnetic damage. Otherwise it just does base damage or increased damage against everything else in the game. Honestly, this is the first I am hearing of people having problems with heat damage, which is surprising given the popularity of both the Ignis and Catchmoon.


3 hours ago, CraterW said:

Thought: I first thought about this just to change how Ember works in game. Ember can't give too much team support currently, since 4 of her abilities is related to fire, this change may change how Ember positioned in team fights. Currently there is not many frames that can increase damage taken to enemies, the best of them is obviously Nova, I think it will be pretty cool for Ember to have this kind of ability. Maybe we can even change Ember's passive to something like " increases the percentage of heat proc to 20 percent each proc" or " increase the max stack up to 10 times" or something like that.

I would actually have to say that Banshee takes the spot for the frame that has the best damage increase towards enemies. You can't even increase the 2x damage increase on Nova's Molecular Prime, but Banshee can get increase hers to up to 20.6x damage increase. Of course, it's probably not realistic to shoot for that much. I usually sit around 7.75x damage increase. Plus, with Banshee, you can use Resonance to continually apply it to enemies that spawn during its duration rather than having to recast the ability. It costs less than Molecular Prime too. Banshee definitely takes the cake on being the best at increasing damage to enemies.


And honestly, Ember is going to need a significant amount of rework beyond just some damage increase due to status effect changes. Defensively, she's a wet bag. Her CC is rather moderate apart from Firequake which is great. Damage wise, she's adept at clearing rooms of minor enemies, but struggles against larger foes. There have been several well thought out suggested reworks in the past to increase her offensive, support, and defensive ability. Personally though, I don't feel losing the CC aspect of heat damage to increase its damage output when the only thing it struggles at is Proto Shields is remedied by a combination of electricity and cold to give you magnetic damage is worth it when currently, the only thing even making Ember viable at the moment is her moderate CC capability and Firequake. Take that away for just straight up damage output and you leave her as a basic glass cannon that can build up to a 50% damage increase on enemies, if she can hit them with her abilities which isn't always able to happen. She really needs more player side utility. Ideas for changes have ranged from incinerating enemy projectiles to phoenix revival aspects for survivability.

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3 hours ago, xZeromusx said:

I actually like Heat's status effect which causes helpful crowd control for Ember and if you use a weapon like Ignis. Damage + DOT + CC is wonderful honestly. Plus, the only thing heat struggles against is Proto Shield, which is more than remedied via Magnetic damage. Otherwise it just does base damage or increased damage against everything else in the game. Honestly, this is the first I am hearing of people having problems with heat damage, which is surprising given the popularity of both the Ignis and Catchmoon.


I would actually have to say that Banshee takes the spot for the frame that has the best damage increase towards enemies. You can't even increase the 2x damage increase on Nova's Molecular Prime, but Banshee can get increase hers to up to 20.6x damage increase. Of course, it's probably not realistic to shoot for that much. I usually sit around 7.75x damage increase. Plus, with Banshee, you can use Resonance to continually apply it to enemies that spawn during its duration rather than having to recast the ability. It costs less than Molecular Prime too. Banshee definitely takes the cake on being the best at increasing damage to enemies.


And honestly, Ember is going to need a significant amount of rework beyond just some damage increase due to status effect changes. Defensively, she's a wet bag. Her CC is rather moderate apart from Firequake which is great. Damage wise, she's adept at clearing rooms of minor enemies, but struggles against larger foes. There have been several well thought out suggested reworks in the past to increase her offensive, support, and defensive ability. Personally though, I don't feel losing the CC aspect of heat damage to increase its damage output when the only thing it struggles at is Proto Shields is remedied by a combination of electricity and cold to give you magnetic damage is worth it when currently, the only thing even making Ember viable at the moment is her moderate CC capability and Firequake. Take that away for just straight up damage output and you leave her as a basic glass cannon that can build up to a 50% damage increase on enemies, if she can hit them with her abilities which isn't always able to happen. She really needs more player side utility. Ideas for changes have ranged from incinerating enemy projectiles to phoenix revival aspects for survivability.

Actually I'd would also be very happy to see a full rework of Ember too, I'm just discussing Ember here without the idea of changing her kit. Also the main focus here is to change the entire Status effect, not just how it works on Ember.

By the way,I totally forget about Banshee lol.

I really don't like the heat effect, the damage proc doesn't bypass armors and does nearly nothing to enemies above certain level, by changing into a molecular prime-like ability will give it a solution different to toxin proc or slash proc. The panic effect sometimes bothers me and doesn't really stands out from electricity effect, further more electricity effect makes enemies expose their head and make headshots easier when heat effect makes enemies move around and kind of levels up the difficulty of giving headshots.

I think maybe we could make the panic animation slightly different and totally take away the damage part, since the current game meta is to kill enemies as fast as possible, and my ideal is to make every proc viable so they can co-exist on the same weapon. Heat combination mostly provides some kinds of CC ability (radiation and blast), I'll rather slap on electricity for radiation if I really need CC abilities. 

I'm still pretty confident about my idea, I think it stands out of current procs and kind of matches the impression of heat (which make your body more fragile after getting burned). 

But still, thank you for leaving this comment, this is my first time posting on this platform and I'm pretty nervous no one may even see my post.

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5 hours ago, keikogi said:

It would be better if puncture procs created a weak sport (this place has a 1.25 damage multiplier) , successive puncture procs on that spot would increase the multiplier ( up to 3 times).

I'd actually thought about the same thing but kind of don't know how it would work like this, by the way I really hope we could have some ways to cripple the enemies.

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