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Do YOU say that you're not good or do others? I let others be the judge of my skill-set and apparently I'm blessed to have people who genuinely enjoy my writing. 


The most unrealistic compliment I've heard about my writing (A few years back mind you) was when my 7th grade teacher said to my mother, "Conner is the most talented writer I have had the pleasure of teaching in my career, if you are going to pull him out of public school be sure he still practices his writing at least." 


Today, I still do a few writing essays/projects on my own time and find that people really enjoy reading them also sometimes gives them a good smile. Writing takes me much longer than most though because I sit there and overthink on every little detail before I even begin to write my paper.


I think about my subject, my audience, the intended audience, what level of vocabulary/professionalism of writing should I approach, and try my best to create an image with the most substantial information I can provide or just use very descriptive writing to paint vivid images into the reader's mind. Hell, I think I'm a mediocre writer but others don't believe so, this ranges from friends, family, and complete strangers who got to see my writing before me. 


I enjoy writing once in awhile and I'm thinking about trying to work on a big project, but first I'm currently writing a smaller project so I can have some practice at creative writing and get as much feedback as possible on the smaller project so I won't repeat the same mistakes in the larger project.

I say I'm bad.

Because I am.

For silly reasons mind you.

I am what is known as a perfectionist. I will not stop, I will not relent, I will never end what I do until I am the best that I can be. What I am now is but a shadow of mine true potential, incomplete.


So I hate my work, I hate it because I know I can do better, but I simply can't. Not now, not yet. I don't know when I will satisfy myself, or if I ever will. I doubt it, for perfection cannot be attained by mere man.

The only positive thing people have ever said about my work is that it is good.

That's fantastic, now WHY is it good? What did you like, what did you not like, what do you think I can improve upon?

I just want feedback, but not a single soul seems willing to do so.

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I say I'm bad.

Because I am.

For silly reasons mind you.

I am what is known as a perfectionist. I will not stop, I will not relent, I will never end what I do until I am the best that I can be. What I am now is but a shadow of mine true potential, incomplete.


So I hate my work, I hate it because I know I can do better, but I simply can't. Not now, not yet. I don't know when I will satisfy myself, or if I ever will. I doubt it, for perfection cannot be attained by mere man.

The only positive thing people have ever said about my work is that it is good.

That's fantastic, now WHY is it good? What did you like, what did you not like, what do you think I can improve upon?

I just want feedback, but not a single soul seems willing to do so.

Sounds like you need some people who are die-hard critics and will tell you straight up on where you need to improve. I have a few friends like this and usually when I post up writings I place a message saying "Please provide feedback on anything you think might need to improve, even if you like the writing" when I get it out there to random people or friends who aren't die-hard critics.


Writing is a vast subject and impossible to master, only to improve. Each text or scripture holds a certain supernatural (Or psychological) ability that can sway emotions. As long as you understand that you will only improve and what the true power of every word holds, then already you are an excellent writer; Weather or not you receive feedback is meaningless beyond that point. 

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No, no.

She's clearly talking about...


...whatever that thing she's got is supposed to be.

An incest, I guess.


I thought it was hilarious..

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Sounds like you need some people who are die-hard critics and will tell you straight up on where you need to improve. I have a few friends like this and usually when I post up writings I place a message saying "Please provide feedback on anything you think might need to improve, even if you like the writing" when I get it out there to random people or friends who aren't die-hard critics.

Writing is a vast subject and impossible to master, only to improve. Each text or scripture holds a certain supernatural (Or psychological) ability that can sway emotions. As long as you understand that you will only improve and what the true power of every word holds, then already you are an excellent writer; Weather or not you receive feedback is meaningless beyond that point.

Words ONLY hold power if they move someone. If not, they are merely words, and even though words have innate meaning, that doesn't matter unless someone understands them. This is the hard truth to being a writer. Not every person will understand what you put on paper, and not every person will appreciate it, quite the contrary, really. Most will pay you no mind, most will ignore you, it's simply that... simple.

Simply understanding the "true power of words," and that one can "only improve" does not make you an excellent writer. It makes you a blind optimist, and that is not healthy nor conductive to proper improvement. To be an excellent writer, you must understand your faults, your weaknesses, what your crutch is, et cetera, and you must work to defeat those imperfections, to overcome the faults that bring you down.

Optimism won't make you good. Pessimism will only hurt you.

To improve, you need to be realistic, know what you are capable of, know what you aren't, and you must defeat your imperfections in order to climb the ladder to excellence.

The problem is that I don't know what I do wrong. All I know is that what I write simply doesn't feel like quality material. That might just be me hating myself, or there might actually be a problem that I simply cannot address.

Which is why feedback is the most important thing in the world, for without proper feedback, growing is much harder than it needs to be.

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Rainbow Six Siege is actually out


What're you guys still doing on the forums, waiting for installation?


I'm BabyRaging at Dark Souls 2 cause I'm still rusty.


And I was never really a fan of the Rainbow Six games.

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I'm glad you asked


Rainbow Six Siege is the answer to the age-old question: What would the perfect 5v5 multiplayer FPS look like


A game with depth and many, many cerebral elements, with victory only being assured if you can apply your tactical knowledge into outsmarting your opponent. A game that an be likened to strategy games of old, like Chess


Truly to deprive yourself of Rainbow Six Siege is to deprive yourself of the mental exercise all great leaders needed before their ascent to glory and immortality in the minds of the people, millennia after their time

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