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14 minutes ago, (Xbox One)TheNarrowRoad said:

Well I did make a new rp but nobody joined.....well one person did but I need more then 1 person to get it going.

I'd join but I don't know how to play. 

2 hours ago, Stalker_Cake said:

but you don't comment! ;_;

Okay, its time for guessing game. *read this quickly then answer*
Spin the wheel get 4, crank it once, twice and anticipate a smack. Hard I wish it was not. Last crank it shot. In between the eyes the frothy cream splat. Gud!

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1 minute ago, (PS4)makrisbrik said:

I'd join but I don't know how to play. 

Okay, its time for guessing game. *read this quickly then answer*
Spin the wheel get 4, crank it once, twice and anticipate a smack. Hard I wish it was not. Last crank it shot. In between the eyes the frothy cream splat. Gud!

bed time? with icecream?

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22 minutes ago, (PS4)makrisbrik said:

I'd join but I don't know how to play. 

Okay, its time for guessing game. *read this quickly then answer*
Spin the wheel get 4, crank it once, twice and anticipate a smack. Hard I wish it was not. Last crank it shot. In between the eyes the frothy cream splat. Gud!

You make a character and do stuff....thats about it.

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Just now, AerinSol said:

Might not reroll my Pyrana riven. It is destroying everything with the increased status duration. Torn bodies everywhere with slash procs and armor/shield ignoring toxin. Going to go for a gas build and be nuts.

could always just reroll it once in a while incase you get damage + multishot


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2 hours ago, (PS4)makrisbrik said:

Do stuff like fight? Will you help me make one? 

Sure, you can fight, work, go to college and steal things from underground organizations. You can just make a character based off you or your personality. Personally my characters have a bit of my personality, a bit of stereotype and a bit of fiction. This next one won't though. This next character will be 95% me. I hope that this doesn't end badly.

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4 hours ago, GiraffaYandereBeetle said:

@Azrael So......do they kinda like do the same thing? Just that void function will not be included in the main function but a return function will?

No no, that's not it at all. Sorry, my examples may have confused you. Generally speaking NO functions will be defined in the main() function, they will be defined elsewhere. Usually they are defined in their own file, or in the main file but after main() terminates. The difference between void functions and others is that most functions MUST return some kind of value, whereas a void function cannot return anything. So if we write the following function prototypes:

1) int intFunction()

2) double dubFunction()

3) bool booFunction()

4) void voidFunction()

Function 1 returns an integer value, so it will end with a return statement such as "return output," where the variable "output" is an int. Function 2 returns a double, so it will end with similar return statement except that the output variable must be a double. Function 3 returns a bool, so the output variable will be a bool, or it could just end with "return 0" or "return 1." Function 4 is a void function, and cannot return a value, so it will NOT have any return statement at the end at all. Instead of ending with "return output" or "return 0," function 4 will just stop when the last statement executes.

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