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4 minutes ago, GiraffaYandereBeetle said:

....what about LGBTs, they don't stone you or anything do they?

no? people don't really care who you like

3 minutes ago, BrownStalin said:

Aren't you Norwegian? That is dangerously close to ISIS territory aka Sweden.

we have enough mountains and snow for them to not even bother. we also got ski warfare

Edited by Stalker_Cake
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   Oh, did you take it that I was trying to insult your country like an arsewipe? Apologies, I was just talking about why I wouldn't wanna live there. Also, wait, the Swedes are causeing a ruckus? I thought it was just that narrowly dodged and very familiar (ah human nature) "immigrants out" policy they tried to implement. That, and the whole "every man, woman and child has an arsenal" (insert eaglegasm screech here).


   I do gotta say though, I'd like to have Ethiopia's current G.D.P. Increase.

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Just now, Stalker_Cake said:

a pack of 4-6 of delicious pork usually goes around 100kr, chicken depending on the size of the pack goes around 90-120kr and the rice pack is about 52kr (atleast the pack i usually get)

I'm assuming you do the cooking and it's hell lotta cheaper than eating out?

I could live with that :) 

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4 minutes ago, Stalker_Cake said:

yea, it's a hell of a lot cheaper to eat home

   So, basically, like any modern place on Earth? (Although, my family is an army of cooks that whips something up on a bi-weekly basis. Polish, German, Italian, Irish, no wonder I have fat rolls. At least I have well-trimmed legs.)

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5 minutes ago, Stalker_Cake said:

i don't work. unless you count monday, thirsday and wednsdays at school

Only if you're getting paid.

5 minutes ago, Unus said:

   So, basically, like any modern place on Earth? (Although, my family is an army of cooks that whips something up on a bi-weekly basis. Polish, German, Italian, Irish, no wonder I have fat rolls. At least I have well-trimmed legs.)

Well, it can outright cheaper at times to eat at cheap food stalls than cooking in Malaysia. My aunt has a shop where she sells her noodles as cheap as 3.50

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22 minutes ago, (Xbox One)TheNarrowRoad said:

(Lucky.....I don't ge that type of stuff)

   But think of all the hope you have at being fit in the future!

19 minutes ago, GiraffaYandereBeetle said:

Only if you're getting paid.

Well, it can outright cheaper at times to eat at cheap food stalls than cooking in Malaysia. My aunt has a shop where she sells her noodles as cheap as 3.50

  You know, I was about to say that I have never had any experience with anything like this. Then, I got hit by the proverbial cinderblock of reality. We DO have cheap food stalls around here, they just go around on four wheels from place to place. Got a salmon sandwich from one that was sublime!

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