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I'M BACK!!!....after what...over 50 pages? Not that much, did anyone miss me?! ..........[silence continues for atleast 5 hours].........No?......Alright I..I guess I'll just...exit myself through the door.

*slams door*


You are not going anywhere.

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I'M BACK!!!....after what...over 50 pages? Not that much, did anyone miss me?! ..........[silence continues for atleast 5 hours].........No?......Alright I..I guess I'll just...exit myself through the door.

well hello, glad you come back


Gotta hold this door shut, sorry.


Please go around back. The door is unlocked.

*harasses door*

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So I just went and saw Mockingjay.


Still didn't change my opinion that Katniss Everdeen is a pitiful character not capable of making the transition to a leadership position.


Even though the bad guy literally tried to hand her the win.


She's almost as bad as Luke Skywalker, but that is a conversation for next time.

Edited by 011100110110000101101101
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