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Remove Forma From Clan Weapons Crafting.


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I made it to rank 10 without making any clan weapon(this is a good thing for clanless players, or players who don't want to rush for a clan).

There are many reasons why Forma should be removed from Clan weapon crafting.

#1 A single clan weapon cost way too much to craft due to the fact we need to craft Fieldron, Mutagen Mass, and Detonite Injector. Some of them are not worth it because they are weaker than higher tier weapons in the market/clan.

#2 If you read the top, having all the clan weapon OP than all the market items would ruin the point of the game. Then everyone would be forced to join the clan. We cannot even buy the clan weapons with Platnuim.

There should be a balance of low tier weapons and high tier weapons between clan and market.

Since "Soma" was release I think it should be a high mastery rank weapon due to its damage. It is fun due to the fact that it tricks some players because it has 10 damage, but everything is based on crits. "Soma" is one of those special,  funny, or tricky weapons unlike "Gorgon". If all weapons were like "Gorgon" like how most of them are right now, it would be too easy to notice, plain, and boring. When I first put "Point strike" on, I had so much joy with the yellow numbers.

#3 As for "Soma" it out matches "Supra" which is a new thing. People asking for buff would kind of ruin the game for having more different tier specific weapons. This is one reason why clan weapons should not cost Forma to craft because it would make it cost more and harder to farm compare to market items. At least market items doesn't require Forma.

Soma should also be buffed on how many resource it should use or decrease the amount of resource required to craft clan weapons. 7 morphics really? I mean Glaive is 10.

#4 Why should all the endgame weapons have to be in clan? I much rather have it balance between market and clan, so, clanless players(possibly kicked out/dead clan) can also enjoy the game without having to be forced into a clan that has been fully researched.

-> Just imagine you don't have enough credits to buy OP clan weapons and you have to face a really OP Boss.

Then you got kicked out of your clan or your clan is dead. <-

Would you like it if you were forced to buy OP clan weapons in order to kill the OP Bosses?

Clan weapons are special, but they shouldn't be the special endgame OP weapons.

Note: I'm fine with Sentinel("Djinn") costing "Forma" because it is not a weapon, but a sentinel of choice. Rare and hard to acquire. You are not required to craft it, unlike those clan weapons which do a lot of damage.



I also posted about this, if you think clan weapons would be too cheap to craft. More Fieldron is a better counterpart to Forma which costs 4 boss resource. Why not have the high tier market weapons cost more boss resources than forcing us to craft lots of Forma?(If you think you have too much Boss resources)


We can even have weapons that uses dual boss resources(so far none in the market place).


Edited by Makemap
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DE_Steve said in a past livestream, everything in the game is FREE, so instead of putting these Weps for plat only in the market they added formas to the recipe. 



Edited by W4RM4CHIN3
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Although I'm not agreeing or disagreeing, you're not really required to craft clan weapons either.


Well seeing the damage of clan weapons killing lvl 90+ compare to the weapons in market right now, it is a yes. Forced to craft. Even have to research all the way up. Just have to be lucky to join a fully researched clan.

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Well seeing the damage of clan weapons killing lvl 90+ compare to the weapons in market right now, it is a yes. Forced to craft. Even have to research all the way up. Just have to be lucky to join a fully researched clan.


or made you own, the cost of research for small clans is really REALLY low.

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If you truly max a weapon, with the four formas, and maxed mods, nearly any weapon is viable for killing higher level enemies. Despair - while perhaps a tad weaker - are comparable to the Acrid. And before the Acrid, Despair was the best side-arm in the game. A lot of it is more for flavor. it's fun to shoot lasers at things. Some of them are even downright terrible (Spectra, lookin' at you). But they really aren't necessary. The Boltor to this day is still very strong when it's modded to its full potential. You have other options that are 'end game' viable (end game just being high level enemies/ancients). And you have to keep in mind that Forma is (or at least used to be, less certain about the new drop tables still) rather farmable in the 'old' void. Though i'll admit with the new shifts in the drop tables, and the complete lack of information about them from DE, that might not be the case anymore.

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Honestly, this whole power creep of weapon power/crafting requirement disgusts me.


I play this game to have some fun as a BA space ninja. This MMO-esque practice of "tiering" weapons just makes grinding the core mechanic of an already grindy game. 


Nobody force you to play level 200 maps with a mk1-braton.

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Forma isn't problem anymore. I got 5 Formas BPs yesterday.


It's not Forma I'm worrying about now. It is all the Prime stuff stacking up in the Void drop I'm worrying about. Mag has been added now. I"m worried about more Prime in the void preventing us from finding the proper Prime items we are trying to farm too. Seriously, DE needs to make new places for different Prime warframes and weapons(just like planets).

"I would also hate it if DE have to buff the Prime to be balanced with the buffed Clan weapons which is even more ridiculous."

Edited by Makemap
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