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Embolist.... Reload -.-


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Why does it sound like ur reloading some metal weapon ????

And the action to reload ?? You just place something somewhere and bam the weapon is reloaded :P


Well I just posted this in hope that some action can be thrown towards the reload action of this new weapon since i honestly laughed the first time that i saw what i thought was a snake being forced to spit poison and then sound totally metalical to reload ^^


Thanks in advance for ANY action taken :D

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No they should feed it.

They pull a blob of ammo coloured goo out of their "pockets", and hold it in front of the weapon. A long creepy tongue sticks out of the gun and licks up the ammo goo.

Like the Spore launcher from Half Life: Opposing Force? (Not a bad idea by the way) 


Or alternatively, DE could make it an 'infinite regenerating ammo' weapon like Half Life's Hivehand- although if that is ever implemented, the weapon will be nerfed into the ground... 


Speaking of biological weapons... 

Edited by H3_Cupcake
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Like the Spore launcher from Half Life: Opposing Force?

Ha ha, that was indeed my inspiration.

...Why did you do that, Gordon? What possessed you to stick your hand there in the first place, and then continue while it made that sound?

Also, darn you for reminding me about how impatient I am for the Xen release :P

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