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Buff The Mire


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Ok, ok. I get it. No one likes these types of threads. Get over it I still made one.


Ever since the Mire came out it was hardly used by anyone. It's completely lack-luster on what it does ( and damage is certainly not what it does!).


I'd love to be able to use this weapon in high-game. Ya' know? C'mon, show such a cool weapon some love! :(

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Scott-“History has shown us that most weapons that have gone out with higher mastery rank are generally the better weapon. You have to reward those players that have played to get to those tiers. As the game levels up and as the content levels up, players need tools in order to deal with that. I think the Mastery Rank is directly tied to the weapon.”




It's not happening.

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Scott-“History has shown us that most weapons that have gone out with higher mastery rank are generally the better weapon. You have to reward those players that have played to get to those tiers. As the game levels up and as the content levels up, players need tools in order to deal with that. I think the Mastery Rank is directly tied to the weapon.”




It's not happening.

It needs to. The Mire shouldn't even be in the normal 'tiers','tiers' that aren't even fully  established  at that.


IMO, They need to Tier weapons based on type; Corpus Weapons get their own, Infested their own, Grineer, Tenno, etc, etc..


But OT: The Mire BARELY gets bought/used at all ever since it's release  MONTHS ago! It needs a buff, something!

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Meh I use mods to make my weapons better, and even if its not end game level of op.   I use them cause I like them O.o.  I don't care for doing the most damage, and if people have an issue with that well,   oh well, I play the game my way, and with the weapons I prefer.  If people are complaining that you aren't doing enough damage, well thats their problem.   I want to be unique and that means using the weapons I want to use, not the ones people say I need to use.  


Can't be buffing all the weapons, cause its not end game level.   Honestly, if your like the mire use it,   And don't worry about other people, longswords and even melee in general needs a buff, cause the damage isn't right.  Best thing they could do is inrease their attack speed if they don't want to increase the damage.  Cause i've had some daggers that are just painfully slow... its a dagger, its not a ten ton sheet of metal....   same with longswords.   Daggers should be the fastest weapons, for a dps type,  Longswords next up, etc with hammers being the slowest.. but ya....  


Play your way, even if you don't one hit everything :3

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Meh I use mods to make my weapons better, and even if its not end game level of op.   I use them cause I like them O.o.  I don't care for doing the most damage, and if people have an issue with that well,   oh well, I play the game my way, and with the weapons I prefer.  If people are complaining that you aren't doing enough damage, well thats their problem.   I want to be unique and that means using the weapons I want to use, not the ones people say I need to use.  


Can't be buffing all the weapons, cause its not end game level.   Honestly, if your like the mire use it,   And don't worry about other people, longswords and even melee in general needs a buff, cause the damage isn't right.  Best thing they could do is inrease their attack speed if they don't want to increase the damage.  Cause i've had some daggers that are just painfully slow... its a dagger, its not a ten ton sheet of metal....   same with longswords.   Daggers should be the fastest weapons, for a dps type,  Longswords next up, etc with hammers being the slowest.. but ya....  


Play your way, even if you don't one hit everything :3

I want an increase to the poison damage and DoT, mostly. I don't mind the normal damage but just a slight increase in the DoT/Poison damage would bring it up to snuff. :(

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Mire was actually the first melee weapon I catalysted.  Fast attack speed and what used to be high normal attack damage made it my first choice for normal attacks.  I think the issue is that new weapons break any semblance of balance the game used to have.  Instead of aiming for balance, more broken weapons are added.  Things used to be in a certain power range, and people said you could use any weapon with good mods and do well.  They were right, of course, but not any more.  Now you have weapons that do 2~4 times the damage of what used to be average back then.  Before I rant any further, my conclusion is that the Mire was highly underrated and still is a good weapon, but the lack of normal attack dual mods and general viability of normal attacks hurts it greatly.  Additionally, these new classes of weapons that are blatantly superior, cause not just the Mire but the entire collection of old gear to be subpar.

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