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Things I would love to see


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1. add ons for the Tranq gun, allowing us to zoom in, and possibly a means of helping find the animal, Having them appear as more of a blip when in the cross hairs

2. Infested parts for kitguns and amps

3. Void based melee weapons for operators,

4. Make eximus units rarer, harder to kill, and give better loot

5. Add in more voice options for the operator.

6. Add in tattoos and face paint options for the operator

7. Place in the ship the ability to look up information, from status types what they are good and bad against, and well as their symbols.

8. Add in bosses in the simulation, so players can safely practice on bosses, this means both normal bosses, as well as plains bosses, thumpers, and Orb mothers, with each boss having a simulated version of their level.

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The codex is missing a lot of info.

While I know we are not being stupid here, but ya for some people they might not understand what a lot of the status symbols mean

Like what does the symbol that looks like two bullets mean? and why is it green with a couple of plus signs on it? For example. What is Ferrite armor and what does it mean when some units have 100 of it and others have 200, for another example.



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I would also like to add that i did not even know that certain status do more then just do extra damage to people. I had no idea gas actually made a cloud, or toxin jumps etc etc. Or even if what I just said was correct. I mean heck, if not for a wiki I would have never known that impact was good on shields while puncture was best used for armor. Slash of course does a bleed, but again I did not know this till much later, after a few videos mentioned it.

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