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Anyone else having this issue

(XBOX)Aurane Vanorel

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My problem is twofold,

1. I'm having a problem with the nightwave refresh rate. I completed 7 of the 8 or so challenges over a week ago, minus the one about getting perfect hunts on Orb Valis.  I know it's supposed to refresh every 3 days, but it's been about a week and a half, the hunt challenge is still showing and two other alternating challenges will show up, but the rest still read as completed. I'll get an image of it as soon as I can to show what I'm seeing. 

2. The tactical alert to help Clem won't go away. I've done the mission 4 times now, and it's still there, and the treasure hunt for Maroo won't show up as available. 

Anyone else experiencing these issues? If so, how can I fix them?

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On 2019-08-04 at 2:42 AM, (XB1)Aurane Vanorel said:

1. I'm having a problem with the nightwave refresh rate. I completed 7 of the 8 or so challenges over a week ago, minus the one about getting perfect hunts on Orb Valis.  I know it's supposed to refresh every 3 days, but it's been about a week and a half, the hunt challenge is still showing and two other alternating challenges will show up, but the rest still read as completed. I'll get an image of it as soon as I can to show what I'm seeing.

This is very confusing because you seem to be referring to different challenge types.  A new daily challenge appears every day and you have 3 days to do it - those are worth 1000 pts.  The weekly challenges are reset every Sunday evening (8 pm EDT) or midnight GMT - those are the 4500 and 7000 pt challenges.  The perfect hunting in Orb Vallis would have been up for a week and just reset last night.

On 2019-08-04 at 2:42 AM, (XB1)Aurane Vanorel said:

2. The tactical alert to help Clem won't go away. I've done the mission 4 times now, and it's still there, and the treasure hunt for Maroo won't show up as available.

After helping Clem, it should go away until the next Sunday reset.  They just changed that, though, so there may be a bug.

Maroo's mission also updates on Sunday reset, so if you had already done it last week, it wouldn't have appeared.  It should be there now.

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