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Exodia Contagion triggering from auto-blocking in air (forced aim glide state)


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Since melee 2.99999 came out I noticed some occurrences where I would just instantly die while bullet jumping forward at a group of enemies to get closer and melee attack them with my Zaw. Usually I land the jump with a slide and melee to hit the whole group, specifically without aim gliding cause that slows down movement, in order to keep momentum going. I finally figured out what was going on.

There was a change made to Exodia Contagion at the time to make it so it only triggers and launches the projectile if you double jump or bullet jump and then aim and hit melee while aim gliding, which was done to make it so people don't blow themselves up while trying to melee slam.

However, if you initiate the double jump or bullet jump while you have your Zaw out, you will auto block projectiles in the air if enemies are shooting at you. If you hit melee at the same time as one of these automatic blocks happens, it will trigger Exodia Contagion, which will likely explode immediately in your face and, depending on mods, kill you instantly. This happens while NOT holding the aim button to aim glide. The auto-blocking apparently forces you into an aim glide state momentarily for some reason.

I have now reproduced this by going into missions where there a lot of enemies swarming and shooting at you, and simply pulling out my Zaw, bullet jumping toward the enemies without touching my mouse buttons (thus not holding aim to aim glide) and hitting melee. If timed at the same time as an auto-block, instead of the expected melee attack Exodia Contagion will launch a projectile.

Can we maybe get this unwanted behavior fixed by making Exodia Contagion only be triggerable while the player actually physically presses the aim button?

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I am unable to reproduce this on my end. If you are still encountering this bug, please provide additional details, such as reproduction steps, what was happening before the issue started, possibly your build and settings. What kind of squad you were in (solo, host, client) In addition, videos and/or pictures would be greatly appreciated. 

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The easiest way to reproduce this is to go to the Simulacrum, equip any Warframe and any Zaw with the Exodia Contagion arcade equipped on it, then spawn 20x regular Lancer units. Level doesn't matter. Make sure Enemy AI is ON so they can shoot at you, and make sure Invincibility is OFF, as auto-blocking does not happen unless you are able to take damage. Pull out your Zaw by hitting the melee button, then bullet jump or double jump towards any group of Lancers that is firing at you, and hit the melee button while you are blocking bullets. Exodia Contagion will trigger if the timing is right and launch the projectile even though you are not holding the aim button to aim glide.

It is reproducible without any mods whatsoever equipped on the Warframe or Zaw, though in the video below I used Physique on an unranked Inaros to get a little extra health to help stay alive. At no point during the video did I press or hold Mouse 2 to aim or aim glide. As you can see in the video, I was able to get Exodia Contagion to trigger several times, when it should not have triggered at all, because the auto-blocking forces the game to think you are aim gliding.


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Oh the amount of times I've killed myself with contagion because of auto block. If I had $1 for every time it happened, I could buy 4300 plat without a discount easily.

Leveling in SO or some mission, hop in the air, try to ground slam or hit a floating enemy in the Gas City tile, enemies shoot, oh no have to auto block, throws contagion instead of ground slam at the area I'm landing in and the explosion kills me. So much affinity lost 😂

Also to answer Tweep's question that was directed to you. I play solo, always.

Contagion is one of the few reasons why I just wish we could have an option to disable auto block. It really does more harm than good.

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