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I played a survival mission for about 15 min and when someone disconnected and it lagged for a big once we extracted I seen I got absolutely nothing except like 2 mods and some resources the send time I did a survival for 40 min I got some lag around 32-35 min which I thought it was the game cause there were a ton of loot on the ground we all decided to extract at 40 min mark we all extracted and I know I had a ton of mods like 1 rare mod and other good mods and a ton of salvage I had at least 9k+ salvage and 80+ hexenon 

I need help this is a really bad thing I’m really pissed I just did about an hour of farming and got nothing from it

i even saved the clip of me checking my progress and seeing. I had stuff and when I extracted I got nothing 

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... how about you seriously send a serious ticket to support and send your serious footage, showing the seriousness of how seriously your serious bug actually is...? That will probably be more of a serious help, on top of this serious topic.

Also, when you're reporting directly to support, its seriously advised to be seriously cordial and seriously calm, so that your serious ticket may seriously be taken into serious consideration.

I seriously hope my serious advice seriously helps.

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