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Embolist, I Thought I Would Love You :c Acrid Proved Me Wrong


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Can someone please explain, why does embolist have less damage then acrid? It costs more, it has a much shorter range, it should do INSANE amounts of damage compared to acrid, and also, it has a better ROF but lower dps, and thats just horrible, please make it something that will destroy acrid at less then 6 meters... (It current range)

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The new research guns all kinda suck right now. Like the original research guns before a stream of buffs.

Funny how that works eh?

Put out clan weapons -> Reduce costs -> Buff weapons -> Repeat.

That being said: the Synapse is actually quite good, though I'd still love to see it buffed.

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If you compare any weapon to the Acrid you're going to be disappointed by default.

but the fact that it requires acrid to be researched and in the same lab AND costs more makes you feel like its gonna be better then acrid with at least something... And yeah i really REALLY hope its gonna be buffed
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of course! but i find it a bore to use... IMO it is the least interesting weapon i have used in Warframe so far.


I hate the Acrid.


1. So powerful it makes the game easy-mode.

2. It is ugly. Like one of those primitive squirt guns you have to manually draw water into then push it out to squirt.

3. It sounds awful. Splöt! Splöt! Splöt!

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Embolist is a lot of fun for me to use. I have been having a blast using it against Grineer due to its AoE armor ignore and continuous fire letting me handle large amounts of them if I can get close enough. However I do not have it ranked up enough to be seriously using it against higher level enemies, although right now at rank 8 it feels very strong.

Its a very powerful weapon, but not as powerful as it should be for its price, and its range is quite small. However I'll definitely potato and forma it when I get the chance.

There is only one constant in Warframe: Acrid will always be better.

The Soma is comparable right now, and it shouldn't be . The Synapse is also comparable, as it should be.
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Im okey with the embolist, the buff needed is the short range atleast need to be like 10m cuz right now you need to hug everyone.




The Soma is good alright, but due to several factors (like rifle mods vs. pistol mods) I wouldn't say it is comparable to the Acrid.


As a lot people said soma its one of the rifles that worth using i hope every other new (and olds if DE is planing in buffs) PRIMARY be like this, yes its strong but not as a good secondary weapon.

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Can someone please explain, why does embolist have less damage then acrid? It costs more, it has a much shorter range, it should do INSANE amounts of damage compared to acrid, and also, it has a better ROF but lower dps, and thats just horrible, please make it something that will destroy acrid at less then 6 meters... (It current range)


You're seriously expecting for something that does MORE damage than the Acrid...wat

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