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Hi guys my name in game is Kamarihi and I go by that on a large majority of gaming sites, tumblr, and twitter. If you feel up to following my randomness feel free to check me out on any of those places- but this isn't about self advertising; this is about introducing myself to the community of a game that I feel has more potential than most Beta concepts out there! :D

I was introduced to Warframe by my friend who goes by Raethdemon on here and fell instantly in love with the game- I became a 20 dollar founder and dropped a bit more on Plat to get ahold of Rhino, my baby. From what I've seen this game is largely influenced by the concept of being badass and cool and I feel that as a community member I should do my best to be helpful and kind to anyone who needs to talk about something or has questions about the game that I can answer!

I know there are a lot of people who know more than I do but if you're looking for a fun guy to play with, I'm on when I can be! :D

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