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Infested need some attention


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I love the idea behind the infested, and often fighting them is a decent and fun challenge, but they do have some issues. My biggest gripe being the spawn rates of the Ancients. All to often in the middle of a mission, a large group of Ancients spawn with several Disruptor, Toxic, and Healer variants showing up en masse. This usually results in a group of Ancients all ziplining you constantly, but also brings out a constant stream of the same thing. The Toxic Ancients are especially annoying, because when you think you've taken care of one, another two show up and insta kill you. The disruptors are annoying too, but more because while the buff drains you quickly (and there are always several), the aura that the other infested get also covers up any other auras that an infested may have. Say, a Parasitic Eximus aura perhaps? This is frustrating. Both the Ancients and the Parasites. I would say switch the spawn rates of the ancients with the Broodmothers or Boilers, the Thrashers, and flyers. The ancients are supposed to make things a challenge by adding buffs to allies (and be an overall nuisance themselves), but they don't feel that way with how they're used. They are everywhere at all times. It adds less challenge and more frustration.

Seperately, the Parasitic Eximus units I feel should be visually changed. Instead of it being an eximus, have a dedicated Parasite model with something that enables you to see it at least moderately well. The current aura it has is too easily (and too constantly) overidden.

I feel that the Infested haven't gotten as much variation as the other two factions, and could do with some love. I could be wrong, but though I'd throw it out there. Anybody have any other ideas?

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