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Electroballthings. Why?


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Seriously? I mean seriously? I don't know who thought it would be a good idea, but you know, obviously, it's NOT.

Players have been complaining about stunlocking Grinders ever since they've been introduced. The only change I've seen to the Grinders so far is that they've been renamed to 'Grineer Rollers'.

And now, you know, why not just add another unit that's a MILLION TIMES SMALLER and COMPLETELY FREEZES YOU IN PLACE?

I believe the electroballs or whatever they're called should be removed.

In case my argument makes no sense, I present to you: A picture.


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Agreed. This was an unnecessary step. And - personally - I see it as a very short-sighted cheap shot towards making the game more coop-dependant and/or difficult later.

There are better ways to discourage rushers and encourage teamplay that aren't as annoying and gameflow-breaking. (I mean, there is no fun in being helpless when you just want to wallrun, dash, dodge, hack, slash and shoot a little more.)

The larger balls I don't really mind, btw. Those are okay.

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I hate them too.

Especially because they shoot it from their pistol and they shoot it a lot.

Nope. They roll them like a bowling ball. Usually it happens before you can spot the seeker himself, so the precise method of deployment was for some time a mystery for me too.

Edited by FedorHooch
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Maybe there were introduced to counter the Mag's ulti? Because even she can't crush these things.

Either way I'd really like to see someone defending these things and I'd also like to know who was smoking what before they thought of this idea. Or what got them so &!$$ed at the players...

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Nope. They roll them like a bowling ball. Usually it happens before you can spot the seeker himself, so the precise method of deployment was for some time a mystery for me too.

Oh, I see.

I usually saw them shooting their pistol and I'd get electrocuted.

Thanks for the heads up. It's still annoying, though.

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They wouildn't even be as bad if they were consistently easy to break. I've seen way too many cases where all 3 teammates were swinging away at a player who'd been electroballed, and nobody managed to hit the tiny thing.

They still suck terribly though, especially because of how often they're used and how long they last. How about instead of a full incapacitate, they cause screenshake and disable sprinting for the duration? They already drain shields which is harrowing enough in a big firefight, so they don't need much else to be threatening.

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DE needs to hurry up and figure out that adding tons of random stunlocks doesn't make the game hard for a squad of four, it just makes it brutal to solo. Play perfectly and carefully or get screwed! Grineer Seekers are merely the latest in this fad of adding in stunlocks instead of added enemies that actually take tactics and skill to beat.

Edited by PhoenixMercurous
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I wouldn't mind if there was a time consuming way to break out of the electroball lock like pressing a sequence of buttons,hacking it or just mashing X. Or a way to destroy them with a useable item or an overload that uses warframe energy or disables warframe powers for 30 seconds.

At least something to give the victim an option in this situation instead of calling it quits and going afk.

Edited by Athens
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Please remove these things or at least give the player a way to get the ball off themselves after a few minutes. Not only is it impossible for most people to get it off you but it also completely disrupts the flow of the game. I imagine you could tap the space bar a bunch of times and eventually that would shake the stupid things off. Either way the perma stunlock is complete nonsense and should be adjusted or removed entirely.

Edited by reggs12
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People have been complaining for some time here about the stun-locks from every single mob that does it so DE thinks this is funny and decides to add even MORE possibilites to stun-locks. If people just learned to avoid this the last 3 new mobs in the game would not all have stun abilities.

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People have been complaining for some time here about the stun-locks from every single mob that does it so DE thinks this is funny and decides to add even MORE possibilites to stun-locks. If people just learned to avoid this the last 3 new mobs in the game would not all have stun abilities.

there is a bit of a difference though on being stun locked by attacks from mobs which you can kill and being hit by a fast HOMING! grenade which then perma stun locks you...

what i find $&*&*#(%& about this is that they only exist in multiplayer, seriously i am starting to SOLO EVERY instance which have these simply to avoid this utterly and completely $&*&*#(%& mechanic which is a 100% dead when you get hit with a random group which a: dont react becouse they dont care/know how. b: can't make it becouse you die to fast when you are locked in place and mobs can auto hit you forever.

i am really wondering which dev made this and then went "YES this is a good idea" -.-

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It seems that they're just not listening to the outcry against CC. They're not listening at all.

There are non-CC high damage abilities you can add that add difficulty but not take away control. Maybe make a unit that's got a damage amplifying aura for all nearby grineer as long as it's alive. Maybe add a grineer medic who can fix or maybe even zombify shot-dead grineer for a short time.

Things like this make no need for CC, and yet they make high priority, dangerous targets for players. Why CC? Everyone, ever, has likely preferred all kinds of difficulty beyond the cheese that is stun. Who likes dancing around avoiding stuns? Please, prove me wrong if you do, but I sincerely doubt I am.

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you cant even @(*()$ do anything once ur hit with them. and they last too damn long. impossible to solo because once 2 of them are around your #*($%%@ and with a team ur dead b4 they can do anytthing about it. good idea gone bad.

you can shoot them b4 they get to you but by then ur low on ammo or your accuracy rating if gone. i loved this game until i was swarmed with 6 of these game things. now i absolutely ahte it and will hate it until that crap gets nerfed.

Edited by Zadenados
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