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Maybe It´s Good That Galatine Is Op...


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Hear me out for a sec.

Nobody really used mellee weapons on missions that were 30+ or something.I feel like buffing the damage of all of these weapons,and alot of other attributes,has finally gained them some respect.

Who knows?Maybe one day when they´ll make mellee as usefull or even better that GUN-play,we´ll see someone going all-mellee on a T3 SUrvival....

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Could be relevant I guess. As of now there are no melee weapons that are worth using in high tier enemy situations. I like mixing it up with melee strikes.


As  for it overpowering gear in other situations, most things die too quickly for it to be a problem that the new sword out ranks them. This is the same reason why using a Braton or Synapse for the majority of the game's content really only comes down  to a preference for feel.

Edited by Zakalwe
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"Other weapons were too weak" is a poor reason for making a new weapon considerably stronger. other weapons should have been made stronger as well


My Orthos is. 


and so are a few other of my Melee Weapons. 


but hey lets have DE make Terrible Weapons and make every enemy stupidly hard so all you have is either bullet sponges or pin cushions.  Do you not like being able to play the game? are you after bullet sponges or pin cushions? 


Just curious. 

Edited by TurboPorridge
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I tried out Galatine on xini only with reflex coil and fury, no damaging mods, it still cut through light infested like they were made of paper mache, ancients howeever needed quite a few swings will compensate with mods later.


I'm glad that melee weapons will be more viable plus how on earth orthos with 2 double tiny double edged blades suppose to deal more damage than huge metal sword.


I do agree that it needs some compelling negative effect though, the charge speed is decent with mods, mastery rank or slight damage reduction seems in order.

Edited by Morgax
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"Other weapons were too weak" is a poor reason for making a new weapon considerably stronger. other weapons should have been made stronger as well

No need for every weapon to skyrocket in damage.By your dumb logic they should just make every weapon with the same stats, and we should buy them only for looks....

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The Galatine being "OP" is a good thing IMO because it sets the standard for how melee weapons should be, because melee is currently pretty underwhelming save for like, 3 or 4 weapons.


On the other hand, it could be bad since DE doesn't have the best track record for improving older content to bring it up to par with the new stuff, meaning we might not see the classic stuff get the overhaul it deserves.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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"Other weapons were too weak" is a poor reason for making a new weapon considerably stronger. other weapons should have been made stronger as well

Im alright with tiered weapons. It gives a goal to reach, and once you finally go through the lower tiered weapons, you are rewarded with something higher tiered.

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Melee late game Lack the "Multy Shot/Split chamber/Hell chamber" like a gun. This is pertty much a melee with Free 100% mulity shot on Charge Attacks at the cost of charge speed and Base demg


Not at all. Every melee weapon bar some obscure ones hits multiple enemies with charged attacks. The advantage of multishot is its ability to hit a single enemy multiple times giving it unparalleled single-target DPS increases when used with basedmg mods. Also, the "at the cost of charge speed and Base demg"-aspect is moot if the Galatine has 2x the base chargedmg and 2x the base chargetime of more standard heavy melee weapons. The only difference would be the higher alpha-damage and the susceptibility to overkill.

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"Other weapons were too weak" is a poor reason for making a new weapon considerably stronger. other weapons should have been made stronger as well

and they will make them stronger. eventually. probably. maybe. well, maybe not, but in that case that would be something really stupid from DE

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More and more powerful weapons will be added, until everyone can one-shot any mob in the game.

Then the game will be too easy, and devs will have to increase the overall mob level/difficulty.


Just like they did with U9. Enemies max level went from 50 to 80 on Pluto for instance. Xini went from lvl30 to 50...


Then players complain the game is too hard, and ask for more power.

And the cycle goes on...


That is exactly the definition of Power Creep: Inflation of power.


And armor 2.0 is also an indirect consequence of power creep: they implemented too high level enemies older weapons can't deal with.  But at least they're reevalutaing numbers and nerfing instead of adding more inflation this time.


The devs are (apparently willingly) creating for themselves the workload of rescaling the game every 3 months. Which only keeps them away from reworking the old content, and adding more new content.


I don't see how it's good for anyone anyway.

Edited by Thelonious
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And armor 2.0 is also an indirect consequence of power creep: they implemented too high level enemies older weapons can't deal with.  But at least they're reevalutaing numbers and nerfing instead of adding more inflation this time.


FIY, Armor 2.0 is not yet live. If you have it, please share how you got it.


And frankly, it is a weapon that follows the same relatively good steps of the Soma, it starts a bit meh (charge speed!), but with right mods it grows with you.


All other weapons are either total crap or total pwnage since the beginning.


I think that this stuff is mostly an experiment, and they will eventually Mastery rank wall it like they promised to do with Soma.

And hope they will rework other weapons to become relatively similar mechanics-wise,  that is, meh when new, but with the potential of becoming useful at higher levels too when fully modded.


Mods don't grow on trees and it's a bit harder to get good ones now that they added a fuckton of other new (useless) ones.


If you are a veteran with 40000000 mods in your inventory already then yeah.

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Im alright with tiered weapons. It gives a goal to reach, and once you finally go through the lower tiered weapons, you are rewarded with something higher tiered.

Whether you hate or love tiering you'll be upset that DE has released the Galatine.

If you hate tiering, the fact that one weapon is objectively better than all of the rest means there are now tiered weapons.

If you love tiering, the fact that an easy-access, low tier weapon is now better than all of the high tier weapons (orthos p, dual ichor,dakra prime ).

In fact, the only way I could see someone liking the introduction of the Galatine (into the current state of other game weapons) would be if they don't care about the longevity of the game, and are neither for nor against tiering, and simply want a very powerful fun new weapon; instant gratification. Is that DE's new target demographic? I'm guessing that sort of user won't be here that long.

Very, very disappointing DE.

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Whether you hate or love tiering you'll be upset that DE has released the Galatine.

If you hate tiering, the fact that one weapon is objectively better than all of the rest means there are now tiered weapons.

If you love tiering, the fact that an easy-access, low tier weapon is now better than all of the high tier weapons (orthos p, dual ichor,dakra prime ).

In fact, the only way I could see someone liking the introduction of the Galatine (into the current state of other game weapons) would be if they don't care about the longevity of the game, and are neither for nor against tiering, and simply want a very powerful fun new weapon; instant gratification. Is that DE's new target demographic? I'm guessing that sort of user won't be here that long.

Very, very disappointing DE.

Actually not quite.  I see the Galatine as being the new standard-bearer for melee.  The baseline for what low-mid mastery melee weapons should be capable of doing.  While it could have been done without the release of the weapon and just done to existing weaponry, I don't think it really hurts things either.  The other stuff'll have to get buffed eventually.



Melee late game Lack the "Multy Shot/Split chamber/Hell chamber" like a gun. This is pertty much a melee with Free 100% mulity shot on Charge Attacks at the cost of charge speed and Base demg

I've made this point several times.  They simply don't scale.

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The only negative imo is simply that its SO easy to craft [the requirements are a JOKE] and mastery rank 3 is WAY too low

it just means the game is gunna be flooded with Galas...it will be the 'new' Orthos...  

Soma/Acrid/Gala     SO much variety! 

This !

You're right, unbalanced game leads to monotony and boredom. We already see too many somas, it's a real pain.

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These new unbalanced weapons (Soma and Galatine, maybe Strun wraith) are sort of advertising for the game :

"Hey guys, come in ! you can rank up and get the most powerful weapons pretty fast (rank 3)  and very easily. "

It looks like teen-oriented advertisement, "instant gratification" (COD-like) sounds right in this case.

How long are we going to suffer because of this (PS4) teen oriented stuff poilitics ?


The business/contribution  side of this game is right when it can keep it up to date, and add new content for beginners AND advanced players.

This is taking the wrong way for now.


At mastery level 10 (seeker), i'm even planning to stop playing this game, it's far from being rewarding

for veterans like me.

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@volt, I love your optimism man but - why?

Remember how DE told us all of the frames were to be buffed to nova/vaub level like 4 mos ago? Has a single frame been brought to that level? Instead the closest competitors to nova; Saryn and ember have been nerfed.

So no, I think Galatine will simply be the best melee in game for a long time, with no balance changes.

All hail the soma+strun/knives/Galatine/nova best in slot (mostly) build - attainable by anyone, no grind, primes, clan weaps needed.

Will I spend another dollar on forma/cats until I see an explanation? No.

EDIT: I'm not implying that melee didn't need an overhaul. It does. But why not communicate with us ? "Hey guys we know that melee hasn't been useful at high levels and wanted to see if upping charge damage was a step in the right direction". Especially after soma.

Either way it's not the charge damage that makes melee useless @ scale , it's the illogically poor scaling mods compare to pri/sec.

Edited by notionphil
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More and more powerful weapons will be added, until everyone can one-shot any mob in the game.

Then the game will be too easy, and devs will have to increase the overall mob level/difficulty.


Just like they did with U9. Enemies max level went from 50 to 80 on Pluto for instance. Xini went from lvl30 to 50...


Then players complain the game is too hard, and ask for more power.

And the cycle goes on...


That is exactly the definition of Power Creep: Inflation of power.


And armor 2.0 is also an indirect consequence of power creep: they implemented too high level enemies older weapons can't deal with.  But at least they're reevalutaing numbers and nerfing instead of adding more inflation this time.


The devs are (apparently willingly) creating for themselves the workload of rescaling the game every 3 months. Which only keeps them away from reworking the old content, and adding more new content.


I don't see how it's good for anyone anyway.

you guys do understand they have 2 teams 1 that works on old stuff and 1 that works on new stuff

the team that fixes old stuff does not want to ruin the game for anyone by nerfing or changing something that someone has worked hard on obtaining or forma'ed or payed for.

the team that makes new contend can roll that S#&$ out weekly and let the other team balance it if its in dire need

that is why we have tenno renforcments weekly >_> making new stuff does not deivat from fixing old stuff they just are taking their time so not to destroy someone's hard work


*cries in corner balling eyes out* why haven't they fixed you trinity you where ok to start not that good at being support and now your even worse when will they fix you Q~Q why cant DE figure out hot to make a proper healer for a fast paced game


you just ga'da have faith thatthey will get to the content eventualy

Edited by MoyuTheMedic
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