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Is There Any Point In Gram Now?


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If you go for melee, gram wil be better, because it has armor ignore and more damage, but in charge attacks galatine is un arguably the best melee

Gram doesn't gave armour ignore does it?

I thought that was the drawback of the thing.

Fast heavy but no armour ignore.

Let me look this up...

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I have a catalyst hate and reaper prime and do not mind that the Galtine hits harder because they are more agile. I had a gram as my first heavy weapons and served me well till I sold because I didn't have slots and wanted to try a scindo.


I used to play a lot of fast paced fighting games and a harder hitting weapon are not necessarily better than a weaker that can hit faster. I only like Galatine for looks and will end up using something faster just because the speed is intolerably slow for me. I would still use gram over galatine only because speed getting off a charge attack has a far greater value to me than how much damage I did(especially if the weapons staggers on hits).

Edited by LazyKnight
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I never could get into the Gram its hilt just looked to funky to me, I like the Galantine just for the He-man hoooooo-ness of it even with it giving armor ignore charge attacks. At the end of the day Id still take Zorens or Fang Prime for the utility of being able to helicopter around.


I personally for my play style look at melee weapons ether for aesthetics for certain frames or for the utility they offer, the later more than the former when I play.


Be my valentine, er galantine is cool, and all I need it to be is what DE called it, the heavy artillery of melee.

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I never could get into the Gram its hilt just looked to funky to me, I like the Galantine just for the He-man hoooooo-ness of it even with it giving armor ignore charge attacks. At the end of the day Id still take Zorens or Fang Prime for the utility of being able to helicopter around.


I personally for my play style look at melee weapons ether for aesthetics for certain frames or for the utility they offer, the later more than the former when I play.


Be my valentine, er galantine is cool, and all I need it to be is what DE called it, the heavy artillery of melee.


Pretty much i made the galatine for the thundercats/he-man feeling also is a goddamit Zweihander but i literally fall in the floor when i see that charge damage.

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