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Fan Concept For a Meca Frame


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Hi there so first i'm not a english native.

But i have a idea and i want to share 


         "insert any good name for a meca themed frame we just call it "* " for now"


Armor :50

Health :500

Shield: none

move speed : 1.00

Energy 200


Passif :Scavenger

"*" can scavenge and stock parts from fallen ennemis (this can stack into a bar like gauss battery ) The max of parts he can stack is 1k ( every drop some parts 5for the basic ennemis and 25 for the heavy one like gunner etc) but every 50stack he gain 25 armor and 2.5% damag reduction (500 armor and 50% of damage reduc total) the skin of any craft depend on the ennemis faction (corpus make hight tech craft etc)


First ability :Modual Opsprey affected by power range and efficity 

"*" Craft a modular opsprey (he can use is 2 ability on it) the Have the same gun has the deployable opsrey the moa fusion can summon but he can have a max of 2 weapon we will see that with his 2 ability . He is not realy tanky he here for utility purpose such has heal ammo and a some damage when you built him for it . if u build for power he will have more tankiness in general damage and support capability he cost 50 energyand 50 parts too cast and like wisp reservor he dont have duration just a healt bar but you can rebuilt him for 50 and 50 parts or 100 energy if u dont have have any parts if u build some duration you can lower both energy and parts needed , range up is range (obliviously) of his weaponas i said he can have two weapon and you can craft him weapon with the 2 ability 2healts craft give him a healing ray  two armor give him a sort of bubble shield that reduced damage (you can up the range with range mod) two crit give him a sniper barrel that deal good damage and crit 100% but have a long reloading time two damage give him the gatling of the moa fusion summon two statut craft give him a spray of whatever energy color u have like dragon boii (you can build 2 upgrade max so 4 craft total for balance) he is like a exalted thing you can use sentinel mod on him

He have like venari the behavior thing heal defend and attack

Stats :

Armor 100 

heal 600

Shield 200

he need move speed ? if i need it the same has a osprey but he follow the frame closly like a sentinel not too close for prevent you aiming 


Second Ability : Modular Craft (affected by power) cost 25 parts or 50 energy if u dont have parts Not affected by power affected by duration efficacity

The main ability that make him a constor and the thing we will use too make all other ability tank dps supp or whathever we want

We will use this ability like vauban minetrash or ivara quiver but you cannt build stuff on ally

1)Health and regen idk yet the stats but i think lower than wisp heal reservor (because yes modular craft give weapon and stats) 60s duration

2)Armor 500 pretty high yes but we will need it 60s duration

3)Damage give 20% increase damage and 30% Firing rate 35sduration

4)Crit 25% crit chance 75% crit damage 35s duration

5)Statut 50% statut chance


Third Ability Modular turret cost 75part and 75 energy or just 150 energy no duration affected by power and efficacity

First in first NO this is not a auto turret afk thingi u need to mont the turret you or your ally

You can build 1 turret max but ally can mont in a side turret attach to your turret dealing 50% damage the main turret deal

So the modular craft on it change the barrel like the opsrey but u have 1 big barrel 4max craft 


healt 1k

Armor 100 now u see why armor craft is 500armor 

Speed the turret can move u can choose between stationary and moving mod

modding u can use arch gun mod on her

Now the craft 

Healt dont give a super big regen ray no juste give the turret some tankiness

Armor same as health dont giveany weapon but a shield equal at 50 of the turret hp

damage give the turret  a big minigun if u build 4 damage u have better reaload speed fire rate and accuracy

Crit give a laser ray imagine a opticor monted in a turret that fire continuiously and crit  if u build 4the beam become larger can chainbut loose some accuracy like the Larskpur

Statut give a flametrower the element adapt itself too the color of ur energy u can use two different color for combined element 4 craft give more aoe and longer spray area

You can have 2 side turret max and they have the same modular craft the big turret have and are only deployed when you are stationnary


Ultimate ability Modular Power armor cost 100 parts and 100 energy or 200 energy affected by mobility mod eff mod duration for longer fly 

Yes like ironman

U basicly craft a power armor on top of ur warframe with reactor for move speed ucan litteraly  fly for a short duration or stand in the air like hildryn the reactor give u mobility(yes the mod) 

now first this is not a thirst exalted weapon just a power armor like vex skin .. What disapointed ?!

ok fine 

u can build on it (3 craft max

Happy ? me too

For some reason u cannt build armor (because your passif already give u armor)

health when i decided stat 

Damage damage  40% attack speed for melee 30% fire rate for guns 

Crit Same as the second ability say because we love red crits

Statut same nothing spécial ... a tiny rly tiny aura (like the mod for glacial aura for sentinel)of whatever you type u want yes for the style Nothing insane but 100% statut proc 

And just because if u dont have any primary equiped  ours prestigious crafter can make a fantastic dyzon gun like grendel but a weapon focused on sucking ours cute grineer on a projectile that can destroy the untire univers just kidding but yes you have a tiny grendel that can store 20 munition or shoud isay tiny cuty grineer yo ucan build this weapon with primery mods




i hope you like it  if u read this thanks u for ur time and again sorry for my bad english






Edited by Dahera
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