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Galatine Should Have A New Animation


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Right now, people are comparing it too readily to the other, older heavy melee weapons. This thing is special, and a unique animation or at least some tweaks on the old animation would really help communicate that in my opinion.


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It's a big, heavy, two-handed weapon, why would it not be handled in the same way?


I'm ok with a animation set for each type of weapon and I don't see why the galatine needs (further) special treatment.


Rather, I think it would be cool if you could tweak the melee animation by choosing a stance like for warframes, it'd require a lot of work for the devs, but still less than making a new set of animations for each melee weapon.

Edited by CubedOobleck
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How is it special, other than it is vastly more powerful than the rest? I don't see why it shouldn't use the same animations as Gram.


It's more extreme. Its standard attack is as fast/faster than a lot of longswords, and its charge attack is slower than any other charge attack and hits harder.

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Right now, people are comparing it too readily to the other, older heavy melee weapons. This thing is special, and a unique animation or at least some tweaks on the old animation would really help communicate that in my opinion.


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its a a melee weapon, making it unique will just stranght the feeling that it just wiped out every other heavy melee weapon
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I would definately like to see overhauled animations for this. Make it feel more like a heavy weapon. It should be swung like the greatswords in Dark Souls instead of like a baseball bat.


You guys are also forgetting that animations can be used as a method to tweak hitboxes/futher balance the weapon. What if it was balanced out by giving it a different charge animation that covers less of a full circle compared to Gram? Be a bit creative.

Edited by Fundance
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