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Hey guys,the galantine sword's damage is as massive as how it looks but "they" said that the reach of the sword isn't much for how look it is,well,if DE is going to increase the reach it's ok,just...do not decrease the size,man the first thing that got into my head when i decided to purchase it is because how it looks and how big it is,i never knew about the 400 charge damage and 25 percent crit chance,i just purchased it because,ey finally a big nice sword,so DE,please,whatever nerf you do to it just don't ever change it's size,well,i am a noob so i am gonna say don't nerf cuz of the insane charge time.Adding reflex recoil and focus energy doesn't do anything that is super noticeable because the base charge speed is low,if ever DE changed it's size i might consider selling it,lol.Maybe just make it a....ah....rank 10 class weapon.So that we won't see any newbies or noobies slashing through hordes of lvl 130 infested.


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And how hard could it be for DE to actually give it a higher mastery rank FROM THE START ???


A lil' bit of consistency would really be welcome. Make your players work their way to such awesome weapons to make it rewarding. This can only benefit the game in the long run, as players will have a goal to work to. I miss seeing weapons that my mastery rank doesn't allow me to get. Ahh, those were the days :D

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...the hell are you even trying to say?


They have never changed the size of any weapons to my knowledge... and if you want it to have a longer reach then put a reach mod onto it.... *scratches head*

Bro,read,i don't care about the reach of this sword,what i care about is that they might change the length to compensate it's reach,because many(or they are just many for me) people are complaining of reducing it's size to fit it's 3-4 meter reach.
Edited by Razer_Angel21
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All the Nerf cries are from butthurt Orthos fanboys. 



Melee is just too lackluster in this game to be OP

It's not really the Galantine being too powerful that's the problem, it's more so that it's too powerful compared to every other melee in the game.

It's nice to see that melee has become a more viable option in late game, but it isn't as nice to see that that option is only available for this weapon and Glaive (and Zorens for utility).

I think they should nerf this weapon to the level of others and then change the way melee works in this game altogether, or if changing the melee system is too difficult, just buff everything to roughly this weapon's level.

Edited by SortaRandom
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I really like this sword, rank lock should be on 8 as all new powerfull weapons. Charge speed is ok for me, it brings the fun from gram and other heavy weapons back. It's size is perfect, I like the style of it - I was really waiting for greatsword, cause I always loved Gram:) 

Thanks Scott

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