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Why You Nerf Limbo, DE?!?


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TL;DR: Limbo was nerfed hard now that he can no longer use his stasis to make duration based status affects last infinitely while stasis is active! PLEASE FIX!

First off, I just want to ask, was this nerf intended or necessary? If not intended, then it's definitely a bug and needs to be fixed immediately!

Secondly, if this is a Nerf, where do I post requests or petitions to revert nerfs or give my feedback on these types of changes? Where is the correct place for DE to see my feedback?

Limbo is a very Dynamic frame with a lot of potential, and as a Limbo main, I've learned that the possibilities are endless to both his survive-ability and to his DPS. However during the recent OLD BLOOD Update these possibilities are increasingly limited! His Stasis took a hard hit in terms of viability! Before the update Limbo could apply duration based status affects in the the rift and while stasis is active, it would pause the duration, essentially having a bleed proc last infinitely, so long if stasis is active of course. Now after the Update, Limbo's stasis no longer does this! Why is the important? Why do I consider this a HUGE NERF to Limbo? Simple, in high level runs, Limbo struggles to keep up in terms of damage per second with other frames, especially dps frames. But with stasis i could keep up with the best of them by applying so many stasis affects, stacking bleed procs like gas and slash and bleeding the enemies until they die! This strategy works because it limits the amount of time need to take out a high level unit and I can go on to the next group knowing full well that the bunch of enemies I had left will die in a matter a seconds. I Love taking Limbo on crazy High Level long endurance runs and this strat is NO LONGER VIABLE!

But it doesn't just stop there. This also nerfs Limbo's survive-ability. With the aforementioned infinite duration based status affects while stasis is active, I learned a trick to help limbo survive with the best of the tanks! This strat relies on Life Strike in order to work! The way it works is you build limbo for armor and health with hunter adrenaline and quick thinking. Then you build a high slash/high status melee weapon with high attack speed, range, gas or viral; preferably gas and finally add Life strike. The strat is Simple, whenever you are at two points of health, cast stasis, banish a heavy unit or three, hop into the rift and channel. After that, you apply as much bleed procs as needed to fully regain your health. For added measure you can cast rift surge so that when banish's initial duration runs out It will send those guys back into the rift, resting banish's duration, and keeping the bleed procs active with stasis. The best part of this strat is that you can leave that group of rift bound statues to their own demise and carry on with the mission. Furthermore, you will essentially have a free arcane grace or health siphon active at all times, so long as stasis is active, of course. You'll be healing per second until the enemies die out. There are many other possibilities that I've come across with Limbo's stasis mechanics. But I will refrain to try and keep this short. You get the jest. These two mechanics are the most used and most devastating, however, now that they are gone.

Both of these strategies grows more effective with high level game-play, starting near the 120+ lvls. One could say this wouldn't matter to most ppl since: a) most ppl dont run limbo much out side of defense, and b) most ppl don't stay in missions to where enemies grow that high of a level in the first place. Well to that I say, this nerf is killing many of my builds for limbo and these builds help prevents me from relying heavily on staying inside Limbos Cataclysm with stasis forever active. These strats are perfect for missions where small Limbo bubbles are more team friendly than larger ones, such as Arbitration Excavation and Defense. Limbo is squishy and staying in the rift and afk-ing is strongly incentivized, and all too common. But these strategies has allowed me to actively play the game and not worry about annoying my team with limbos quirky abilities! Nerfing Limbo in this way Not only directly effects limbos effectiveness at high levels but it also will effect many player's viewpoint on limbo's playing style, whom already has a negative stigma to most of the community as being the biggest Troll Frame due to past reworks, both post and pre-op. 


If this was an intentional Nerf then I humbly ask, as a lowly Dedicated Limbo main, PLEASE RECONSIDER REVERTING THE NERF! The Nerf was Not needed and It doesn't effect limbo or hiis team in a negative way at all. It is NOT a broken mechanic like how "aim-bot" mesa, or "Vex Armor" Chroma, or "spores on molt" sayrn, or "bladestorm" ash, or "Shadow Step Naramon". or old gas/melee combo used to be! You get the point!

Make Limbo Great Again!

TL;DR: Limbo was nerfed hard now that he can no longer use his stasis to make duration based status affects last infinitely while stasis is active! PLEASE FIX!

Limbo's Health Siphon using Stasis GO TO 12:46 to 17:40  proof that Infinite Status duration existed and a practical guide on how to use in actual missions

Proof of Limbos's Stasis Nerf

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