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An incentive to do the bounties out in the open world


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So a lot of times now that we can do bounties out in the little bases in the open world, at least with randoms there isn't a whole lot of reason to really as sometimes the bounties available don't seem to be the full list I'll admit I only looked at it briefly and people usually still bolt for the exit. It's not a major issue or anything but I just got thinking to a way to kind of encourage more than just one and done all the time. 


So I was thinking to kind of restock you at bases once you accept a mission. I never tested this but I would assume revives don't really...refresh as you chain missions and that can be a big factor having just done a big mission and down to say 1-2 revives. So maybe on activation of a new bounty air drop a sort of restocking pod (maybe like how excavators drop in or build it into the base in the case of cetus that activates on start) to restock ammo and some energy/ health and add 1 revive (with a cap of 4 total so you can't just add up to like 20) so there is some alleviation but not all


Another thing to add to that would be extra rewards. I'm iffy to do scaling rewards since like with endless we don't want people out there forever. but what might work is either a static like... I dunno 10% boost to resource/affinity gain (maybe slowly push it to 20% at most) OR maybe you add an extra small like resource bundle of the area. Kind of like thumpers in the plains drop but much smaller obviously for each full mission done out there? maybe have that scale with what "tier" of mission was selected up to 5th tier? Though that could add up to too much and kind of make other methods pointless so it's a delicate balance to be sure but maybe 1-2 of some random gems and fish parts might work perhaps a rare rewards or two but I don't know.


It's nothing urgent and I'll admit I don't play the open worlds too much myself since i don't have a ton of interest in zaws and kitguns but I think it might encourage some longer open world excursions. Which as I think of it could ultimately benefit Empyrean due the the squads helping squads system that may come with that the more people out in those worlds the better.

Edited by (PS4)Yes-Man-Kablaam
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