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Installing Mods Current System


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The current mod equipping system enables a player to have a single mod installed on as many Warframes / Sentinels / weapons / Sentinel weapons as he likes, without having to get duplicates.

With the current system, nobody will have to go through the chore of (e.g.) upgrading a Redirection or a Serration more than once. There are no real downsides, aside perhaps from the feeling of knowing that trying to max out multiple Redirection mods became not so useful in the end. Personally, I was fine with the old system, but this new one is better in my eyes.


Do you think this system is going to stay or will it be changed or reverted back to the former?

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Stay, and it should. Who wants to un-equip 6 mods then re-equip them just to change weapons? Or if you happen to own the majority of weapons, who wants to max out Serration 30+ times just for the convenience of not having to un-equip/re-equip each time you change weapons?

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