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Galantine Skin Idea


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Hello Tennos, 



I would like to suggest a skin graphic for the Galantine. I hope the community gets behind this idea as well.

Please take a look at a sword call the Odachi. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%8Cdachi

It would be epic to have a skin to the Galantine to look like a Odachi :D


Thank you for your time read this - i hope this reaches DE :D

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I hope it doesn't become a skin, rather, a new weapon. Why? Gotta get dat mastery.

another weapon?! I guess sure but Galantine already fits the purpose im not greedy but would rather have a another skin. Unless making it a new weapon would add the scabbard


nah not an odachi


we need this




I would rather have a big katana :D

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Dev's stated that they don't plan to make a skin for the Galatine any time soon. Also, Galatine is the sister weapon of Excalibur used by Sir Gawain. So it can't have that Japanese sword appearance to it.

im just reaching to have one in game here, I know!  ill settle for a great skin :D

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