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Everything posted by ScorchedIce

  1. I've noticed lately with Warframes like Gauss prime that there's a tendency to have them release with primed versions their signature weapons, which is great. But it makes me wonder about older weapons that werent even associated with Warframes as "signature weapons" and just kinda exist, like the Dual Zoren, Kunai, Okina, etc- I worry that this trend might make it so some of those never get primed, seeing that going forward, more and more primes will most likely release with primed versions of the signature weapons they originally released with. Heck, Fusilai is an interesting case just by itself. Its a glass throwing knife weapon that released with Gara yet it never got a prime. A similar case is Mirage with Akzani. She released with Akbolto instead. My main point I want to make is, maybe there should be some more discussion about this. I'm sure I'm not the only one around that would love to see some old weapons get nifty upgrades via primes and become relevant again, but I wonder if the current priming conventions we've been going with, might make some of them impossible to prime *ever* On the other side, it's been nice seeing stuff like Wisp Prime coming with Gunsen Prime, or Grendel Prime with Zylok Prime. I'm sure DE is aware of this "old forgotten weapons" issue, but I thought I'd bring some attention to the topic regardless. Thank you for reading.
  2. I'd say make it a hold toggle. As for helminth, reduce duration so its still powerful with heavy investment into strength AND duration, instead of lowering the damage bonus.
  3. Thank you so much! The damage number changes are such a god send. The status changes are pretty dang good as well! Looking forward to playing with this at launch.
  4. Hello, I've been meaning to make this post for a while, and the new nightwave mod for the Ocucor finally pushed me to do so. I also wanna preface this by saying, yes, I know I can toggle damage numbers off. But then my only visual indicator of damage is a mob's health bar going down, which isnt really the same as say, having a clear solid number that tells me exactly how much damage I did. Which is kind of important in a game like Warframe where damage stats are so prevalent. An issue I've personally had often while playing the game, is that some weapons generate so many damage numbers, so fast, and all over the place in such a way that it it becomes confusing and frustrating to keep track of everything. (I am neurodivergent.) It is worth mentioning that I have astigmatism and myopia. I've been playing for almost 10 years already and it feels like with time, the only way I can describe how I feel sometimes in regard to damage numbers is "an assault on the senses." The amount of numbers that pop everywhere with things like beam weapons, high fire rate weapons, etc, keeps getting worse. Another thing I'd like to bring up is that often there's weapons, arcanes, mods, even Warframes like Harrow, are geared towards getting headshots for bonuses or things of that nature, but often I'm not even quite being able to tell where a mob's head is because they're covered in damage numbers when using stuff like, again, said beam and high fire rate weapons. I'd like to suggest a couple things, maybe as alternatives to the current damage numbers on the UI: Move the damage numbers further up; Could be a toggle or just a change on how they're displayed. Basically, spawn this barrage of numbers on top of the lifebar of the mob you're dealing damage to, instead of right on top of the model, so you can at least have a clear visual of what you're dealing with / aiming at. Have a "DPS" setting for damage numbers, instead of the current system. What I mean by this is that maybe off to one side or somewhere else that's not all over the screen, have a counter that either just shows the damage you're doing to whatever you're looking at, or just tells you a rough estimate of the amount of DPS you're doing overall. I know some of these suggestions might sound a bit like a nitpick, but I wouldnt bring it up unless it was an issue for me. Aside from the visual issues I mentioned above, I also struggle with sensory stuff sometimes, and again, numbers of so many different colors and sizes all over the screen just confuse me. I'd like to close this up with a bit I recorded while trying out said new mod for the Ocucor. Misery spawned and at times I legit couldn't tell if I was damaging him, or even *looking* at the guy. Anyway, thank you for reading my lengthy feedback post. Apologies for any grammar issues or anything like that.
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